CFTRI roles out Ragi porridge balls making machine


Mysuru, August 23, 2017: Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI) here has rolled out the ‘Ragi Mudde’ (porridge balls) making machine to make large scale staple food practiced in South India.

A release here said, Janata Dal (S) Supremo H D Deve Gowda who introduced Ragi Mudde across the country especially after becoming Prime Minister, inaugurated Ragi Mudde Making Machine manufactured by CFTRI at a function here yesterday.
The machine which can discharge 250 muddes (porridge balls) each weighing nearly 200 to 225 gram in just one hour. He tasted the ragi ball and appreciated CFTRI staff members for coming out with the much needed machine.

Appreciating the good initiative from CFTRI which enables people to come out with more muddes in a very short duration that can cater to large assembly of people or for schools dishing out noon meals, he said low glycemic index of the ragi and rich nutrients like
calcium, iron and dietary fibre it is considered as a wonder food. 

This is considered as one of the best foods for all cross sections of the society from small children to old aged persons, hard working labourers to the executives working in offices and from poor to rich people. 

Dr V D Nagaraj, Senior Principle Scientist, Design and Fabrication Unit, CFTRI said traditional method involves cooking ragi powder in hot water with stirring using a wooden stick, practiced at household levels. Now Ragi mudde is being served in restaurants, hostels and even in jails. The need was felt to standardise the ragi mudde making process and mechanisation to serve
large population of the society.
Thus Ragi Mudde making was conceptualised and materialised by CFTRI. ”We took eight months to come out with this machine which cost nearly Rs 3 to Rs 3.5 lakh. They also plans to increase further by changing the design aspect may be to 500 or even 1000
muddes per hour.”
It is a fully automated machine which is a steam cooked inside and now this machine can be use full in big restaurants, hostels, industrial canteens, defence canteens, jails and airport restaurant.
The other advantage of this machine is that only one person is sufficient to operate the machine. It was developed with the funding
from Union Department of Science and Technology. Already there is demand for the product. TVS Company too has come forward to buy the machine, he added.

United News Of India