NISA issues safety advisory to schools across India


New Delhi, September 15, 2017: National Independent Schools Alliance (NISA) expresses its heartfelt condolence for a precious life lost of a 7 year child at the Ryan International School, Gurugram, Haryana. NISA condemns the incident and so as to curb any further mishaps/incidents of this kind hereby issues ADVISORY to schools across India and they are as under-

1. The schools have well equipped CCTV surveillance system in all classrooms, corridors, staircases, main gate and strategic areas and have the display of the same surveillance in the Principal’s cabin OR have a dedicated staff to monitor the CCTV’s foot tages.

2. A Committee including the Teachers and the PTA be set up and further on the Surveillance Committee consisting of PTA members should carry surprise visits in the schools to check that safety is in order. CCTV functioning be checked on the regular basis.

3. The schools must carry fire audit and drills for quick and safe evacuation during any untoward contingency.

4. The students be educated about “Good Touch and Bad Touch”.

5. The schools shall carry out police verification of drivers and watchman/s from time to time and also conduct various training programs for them and keep watch on their behavioural pattern.

6. Schools must involve parents and inform them about all the safety precautions taken to make them and their children feel safe at school.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)