Android Apps Development Workshop at Tryst IIT Delhi


New Delhi, February 16, 2018: RoboTryst-2018

23rd -26th Feb at Tryst 2018 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Applications are Invited for 1 day technical workshop during Tryst 2018 at IIT Delhi
For B.Tech/BE/BCA/MCA & School Students

Tryst 2018 annual Technical festival of IIT Delhi is organizing 1 day Technical Workshop in
association with RoboTryst 2018 from 23rd-26th Feb 2018 at IIT Delhi campus.
Applications are invited from indian candidates to attend these workshop.

Workshop/Training Programs for College/University Student:

  1. Autonomous Robotics
  2. Bluetooth Robotics
  3. MATLAB & Image Processing
  4. Android Apps Development
  5. Automobile & IC Engine
  6. Cloud Computing with Big Data and Hadoop
  7. QuadCopter & UAV
  8. Ethical Hacking
  10. 8051 Embedded System
  11. Programming on JAVA
  12. IOT with Arduino
  13. Rasberry Pi and Python Based Automation System Design
  14. Autocad 20
  15. Basic of Electronics & Robotics
  16. BitCoin & BlockChain
  17. Bridos Design
  18. C++
  19. Cisco Networking
  20. Photoshop
  21. Digital Marksu’no SEO 5M0
  22. Sixth Sense Robotics
  23. Water Roket
  24. Mobile Robotics

Workshop] Training Programs for School Student:

  1. Arduino
  2. Autonomous Robotics
  3. Basic of Electronics & Circuit Design
  4. C++
  5. Ethical Hacking
  6. Glider Making
  7. JAVA
  8. Water Rocket

Eligibility Criteria:
College Level Workshops: B.Tech, B.E., B.C.A, B.Sc, B.Com, M.Sc, M.C.A

Certification : All Participants will be awarded with Certificate of Participation from
Robotryst IIT Delhi

School Level Workshops : Class 6th and above.(C.B.S.E., I.C.S.E & State Boards)

Note: Each Participant must have a valid school/college ID card for seeking entry into the
venue, defaulters will be denied entry into the venue.

Prerequlsltes: Student is required to have basics of computer programming and/or
basic of electronic and/or Electmnics Engineering(if applicable).

Selectlon Crlberla : Candidate wil be selected on the basis of internal selection process
based on DATA provided at me time of registration. Seats will be filled at all indie level

Registration Fee: Online Registrations are free. only selected participants would be
given opportunity to attend these workshop at [IT Delhi. Selected participants are
re‘ouireril to pay workshop fee as per the following schedule. A selection letter will be sent
3 er se action.

Trellian Kits: Free Kits would be provided to all the participants enrolled in the Hardware
Based Workshops(or if applicable). CDs and Booklets would be provided to all the
participantsfif applicable).

Workshop Fee:
Hardware Based Workshop: INR 2490/- ‘
Software Based Workshop: [NR 1990/. ‘

Team Criteria: Individual Candidates as well as Teams can apply for the Workshops.
Selection of Candidates will be made on the basis of internal criteria as well as on seat
availibility. It is not necessary for the entire team to get selected for Workshop.

Accommodation Facllty: Accommodation facility is available bodi inside and outside
IlT-Delhi on First-come-first-serve basis. Foodino and lodging will be charged extra.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)