Embassy Cares – Promotes World Environment Day


Employees across Embassy OfficeParks pledge to save Earth

Bengaluru, June 08, 2018: Embassy Group celebrated World Environment Day at Embassy Office Parks with a host of events and activities curated to give employees a chance to connect with nature. These events that ranged fromtree plantation drives, expert talkson Plastic Pollution, cyclothons and flea markets with eco-friendly products on sale, gave employees an opportunity to learn about environmental conservation and become aware of their efforts towards a cleaner and greener planet.

One such unique activity was a special workshop on reusing and reshaping juice cartons into products like bags and home décor items.The workshop was hosted by Anu Life India (a Bangalore based NGO)for employees working at Embassy Manyata Business Park.

Embassy Group also joined hands with AB InBev to install a 25×40-feet turtle crafted from disposed plastics at Embassy Manyata Business Park.

Commenting on the initiatives, Mr. Mike Holland, CEO – Embassy Office Parks said, “Embassy has a year-round focus on environmental issues in and around our business parks and our IGBC LED Platinum Awards are a testament to this World Environment Day. This is an occasion to reaffirm our commitment to learn and educate on such issues, to work with over 200 corporate occupiers and their 2,00,000 employees towards a more sustainable urban environment. Our continuing support towards public transportation, use of our100 MW renewable solar power in our parks, waste segregation and community engagement are some of the many ways in which Embassy is happy to play our part in matters of the Environment”

Speaking on the occasion Mr. R. Sampath Raj, Mayor of Bengaluru said “Embassy Manyata Business Park is known for its environment friendly initiatives, drives and programmes across all their business parks. This time around their initiative has created awareness to ban plastic, thereby spreading a message towards waste management & segregation. I must say we definitely have come a long way in our efforts to save the environment. I learnt that Embassy Manyata Business Park produces manure at their park, which is used to maintaining the campus green. I encourage every citizen to take small steps towards protecting our environment.”

Save Earth

Cyclathonswere organized at Embassy Manyata and Embassy TechZone to mark the day. Embassy Services honoured Green rider participants who have proved their dedication and commitment to environment and sustainability through carpooling. The guest of honorat the event was Ms. Myriam Shankar Krafft, Managing Trustee of the Anonymous Indian Charitable Trust, who also conducted a workshop on ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’for the corporate employees.

A flea market was also organized at the Embassy Manyata Business Park, showcasing eco-friendly products such asjute/cloth bags, organic food range, handmade soaps, and lots more.

Menstrual Hygiene

Embassy has also partnered with Red FM for their radio campaign “EeSaala Cup Namde” to promote Menstrual Hygiene and Sustainable menstrual practices. The Campaign was extended to the employees of Embassy Manyata Business Park on World Environment Day,  with prominent RED BINs placed at various places within the Business parkto propagate safe and hygienic disposal of sanitary waste. The Mayor of Bangalore, Mr. R. Sampath Rajalso paid a visit to the Embassy Manyata Business Park campus to promote and encourage this campaign. Commenting on the significance of this campaign, Mr. Sampath Raj said “

Art Installation

Embassy Group and AB InBev joined hands to raise awareness about the hazards of plastic waste in water bodies which is killing marine life. This was done through a majestic structure of a giant turtle (25-feet-high and 40-feet-wide) constructed completely out of disposed plastics to depict the deadly impact of plastic. Commenting on this installation, Mr. Pradeep Lala, CEO, Embassy Services said, “These wastes usually end up in our oceans.Our oceans are increasingly becoming a repository for plastics and micro plastics, leading to degradation of aqua life. While it is not possibleto remove all plastics from society, we believe it is important to sensitize consumers on the urgent need to stop the rampant use of disposable plastics and find viable alternatives”.

The art installation, created by Bheem Styx, a company that specializes in making sticks and arts installation, created this gigantic Turtle Hugo using plastic waste and scrap iron aiming to educate people to use bio degradable alternatives. This art installation can be brought to life by just “feeding” the mighty turtle with house-hold plastic waste (plastic bags, bottles, straws etc.) at the SportsZone @ Embassy Manyata Business Park.

This World Environment Day, Embassy Group engaged with its corporate occupiers to bring about a positive change around the office parks, harnessing individual actions for the collective good of not just the park users but also the neighborhood. The World Environment Day events were conducted at Embassy Manyata Business Park, Embassy TechVillage, Embassy GolfLinks and Embassy TechZone, where several employees came together and pledged to save Earth.

 Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)