Students from Sunstone Business School to come together for a networking and professional development event


NEW DELHI, July 19, 2014 : SUNSTONE BUSINESS SCHOOL, AN INSTITUTION THAT OFFERS PART TIME MBA PROGRAM FOR MID-CAREER PROFESSIONALS will be organizing a networking session on _19TH JULY __IN NOIDA_. Students from Sunstone Business School will come together for a special professional development event. The session is initiated in order to help the students interact with people from the industry and understand it better.

​The event will commence with a workshop on Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS)​ which ​provides an analytical approach towards the creation of an uncontested market space. ​ The workshop will help students​ to look beyond the existing industry structures and create tangible products/services that will create new demand by bringing in non-customers to the mix. ​ The workshop will be taken forward by ​Mankiya Narain and Piyush Tiwari from GTL Ventures. They will begin​ with a scenario based exercise pertaining to the banking industry. The participants ​will be​ asked to recreate the product/service offerings for the launch of a new bank ​ and​ present​ing​ their solutions to the group.

Post the workshop, a debrief will then be conducted using the Six Path Framework of Blue Ocean Strategy. The students will then be asked to revisit their product/service ​i​e offering based on the inputs provided during the debrief. This will help the participants validate the efficacy of BOS for themselves. The workshop will close with a brief history of BOS and its utility in the Indian set-up. Followed by the workshop, Mr Aniket ​ ​Khera​ from Sunstone Business School will talk about some behavioral biases that are innate to us and which inhibit our ability to think clearly.

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