TRA launches India’s largest report on Educational Institutes



New Delhi, August 22, 2014 – INDIA. Hindu College, Delhi, has been voted India’s Most Trusted Educational Institute in a study by TRA (formerly Trust Research Advisory), a brand analytics and insights company. The study, titled ‘India’s Most Trusted Educational Institutes – 2014-’15’ (MTEI) was conducted among 7710 respondents across 40 cities. Ranked 2nd on the Most Trusted list was IIT – Delhi, followed by Loyola College, Chennai, as India’s 3rd Most Trusted, Anna University, Chennai, ranked 4th in the Most Trusted list and Hansraj College, Delhi, was ranked as the 5th Most Trusted. TRA’s study came up with more than 30,000 unique institutes of which the top 1000 are listed in the report. TRA also has two other research studies titled Brand Trust Report (BTR) and India’s Most Attractive Brands (MAB).

N. Chandramouli, CEO, TRA, commented on the importance of education and said, “Education is a fundamental component of society, and quite naturally the quality of an educational institute determines the quality of the students it creates. Unfortunately, however, there is no research that provides a universal metric for comparing different institutes – schools, college, university, coaching classes among others. It is this acute awareness that led us to map the entire education sector topography, hoping to give the students and their parents a universal basis of information and choice in the choice of institute.”

At 6th rank in MTEI is the first school in this list, Delhi Public School, Delhi, 6% Brand Trust Index (BTI) lower than the previous. At 7thrank, and the first Bangalore institution to break into the top 10, is PES University Bangalore with a 15% trust lag from the previous. Behind by 7% BTI is Ramjas College, Delhi, ranked 8thMost Trusted Educational Institute in this list, followed with a negligible difference at ninth rank by, DAV School, Delhi. Jaipur makes a mark among the top ten, only 3% below the previous on trust points, with the entry of the Agarwal SikshaSamiti run Agarwal College located in the Pink City. CCI Newswire