Blue Phoenix Production in collaboration with Leap of Faith Productions, brings out a classic social satire on stage- “Khamosh! Adalat Jaari Hai” by Vijay Tendulkar on 9th November


New Delhi, Nov 04, 2014:

“Khamosh! Adalat Jaari Hai” is a Vijay Tendulkar classic social satire which portrays the hypocritical face of the Indian society. The story revolves around a theatre group and its members (symbolizing different facets of the social order) who get locked in the theatre before their show and decide to pass the time by playing a game of a false court room drama. The patriarchal society targets the free spirited Leela Benare, who is chosen as the culprit. Benare gets entangled in a web of lies and mockery which slowly uncover the masks of frustration, hypocrisy and orthodoxy from the face of the real society.

Directed by Gaurav Amlani
Produced by Blue Phoenix Productions and Leap Of Faith Productions

Mohak Pajni as Leela Benare
Aditi Arora as Mrs. Kashikar
Aakash Gupta as Mr. Kashikar
Eklavey Kashyap as G.N. Ponkshe
Ayushmaan Roy as Baalu Rokde
Yathartha Sharma as Samant
and Adhiraj Sharma as Sukhatme

VENUE : Lok Kala Manch , Lodhi Road (near India Habitat Centre)

DATE : 9th November, 2014 (sunday)

TIME : 6:30 PM

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