VivaConnect’s Children’s Day Celebration with Prayas


Mumbai ,November 2014: VivaConnect, a Mobile media company with the LARGEST infrastructure for ‘Voice’ and ‘Missed Call’ Services in India, celebrated Children’s Day with Prayas – Schooling Street Life, a pavement school at Goregaon (Mumbai) by gifting them with Hygiene Kit.

Almost every child at Prayas hails from an underprivileged section of society as most of them reside in nearby slums. Their resources are highly scarce which keeps them away from essential practices of a healthy lifestyle, out of which personal hygiene happens to be the most ignored. Hence on the occasion of Children’s Day, VivaConnect family planned to gift a ‘Hygiene Kit [1]‘ to children at Prayas. Every Hygiene Kit composed of a Toothpaste, Tooth Brush, Bathing Soap, Coconut Hair oil, Hair Comb and a Napkin tucked nicely in a backpack.

As the day’s session came to an end, VivaConnect invited 9 kids from Prayas to visit their office. The idea was to give them a glimpse of a contemporary workplace, motivating them to study well and eventually excel in their life’s endeavor.

According to Mr.Vikram Raichuria [3] (Managing Director) “It feels wonderful to devote our resources towards building future generation of India. So more than an initiative its an act of passion that we as an organization strongly believe in. The safety and the well-being of every children are of utmost importance and we are very happy that we could help in a small way”.

The children are 6 to 15 yrs old and acquire primary & secondary education at Prayas along with pursuing formal academic education at local BMC School. The project runs 6 days a week during morning hours of 9 am to 11 am and is conducted in an open space outside a shop. In addition to their educational needs, Prayas even provides them a nutritious breakfast, uniforms, books and other necessary supplies. CCI Newswire