India – Nepal, Bio Bhai


Indian entrepreneurs are keen to cross borders and invest both capital and technology for establishing biotechnology based industries in Nepal. The sector is a part of the growing bilateral development partnership between India and Nepal. While speaking at the Nepal-India Natural Products Conference, Indian Ambassador to Nepal Jayant Prasad Prasad said, “The unique biodiversity of Nepal, coupled with its favourable climate and large number of labourers make it an ideal destination for setting up high-quality, cutting-edge biotech industries.” The conference was organised by the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu in collaboration with Centre for Molecular Dynamics, Nepal.

Kalpana Dhamala, Minister for Science and Technology, Government of Nepal, voices, “Nepal can benefit a lot if we can utilise the unique natural herbs and medicinal plants at our disposal through the use of advanced technology. There are many micro-organisms found in Nepal which can be used as natural anti-biotic and boost our agriculture.” She further underlined the need for conducting further scientific research and development to get maximum benefit from these natural products. Nepal is home to more than 10,000 species of plants, including 500 indigenous species.