Upma Kapoor is felicitated with the ‘Priyadarshni Award’ for Outstanding Woman Entrepreneur 2019

  • The company is creating a buzz around the organic beauty space with high quality natural products using organic products and Ayurvedic principles
  • Teal & Terra is also a socially responsible organization that works towards women empowerment. The company has a team of 18 female employees who work from home and takes care of marketing, sales, and administrative roles.

New Delhi, October 02, 2019 : Upma Kapoor, the founder of Teal & Terra, an emerging organic beauty start-up, was felicitated with the Priyadarshni Award 2019 at the India-Afghanistan International Trade and Investment Conference, organized by the FIWE (Federation of Indian Women Entrepreneurs).

Ms Kapoor has received this award for her excellent work for Teal & Terra which has exhibited an outstanding success within the short period of two years and her role for empowering women. The company has grown from 8 Lakhs to 2.5 cr in a short span and continues to grow. The company hires women on a work-from-home model to allow homemakers to have a profession while taking care of their families.

Speaking about this, Ms Upma Kapoor said, “It is indeed an honor for me to receive this award. It is a reaffirmation that my efforts in my line of work are being recognized and supported by a global body. It is also an encouragement for me to direct my efforts at bettering what I do and contribute to the women and society at large. My endeavor is to change the Indian Organic beauty landscape by using natural ingredients and the age-old principles of Ayurveda. My purpose is to provide a trustworthy brand for Skin and Haircare.”

Corporate Comm India(CCI NewsWire)