Myanmar Courier, Express and Parcel Market Driven by Booming E-Commerce Market, Liberalization of the Postal Sector and Increasing Trade Volumes: Ken Research


New Delhi, October 04, 2019: Analysts at Ken Research in their latest publication Myanmar Courier, Express and Parcel Market Outlook to 2023 – Driven by Booming E Commerce and Liberalization of Postal Services believe that the Express Logistics Market in Myanmar is expected to grow due to liberalization of the courier services, market entry of foreign firms and government focus on infrastructural development. The Myanmar Express Logistics Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of ~ 30% during the period 2018-2023.

“From Once Being Sole Operator of Courier Services to Expected Privatization, Myanmar Post and Telecommunication is Changing the Landscape of Express Logistics Market”

Strategic Location: Myanmar enjoys a strategic geographical location in Southeast Asia acting as a gateway between India and the ASEAN Countries. Since the economy opened up in 2011, trade volumes with neighbouring countries such as India, China and Thailand, along with other countries, has been steadily increasing.

Entry of Foreign Players: One of the lucrative factors for investing in Myanmar is the abundant supply of natural resources and one of the cheapest labour costs in Asia. Major corporations, especially consumer goods’ manufacturers, from the US, Europe as well as Asia have announced their intention to return to Myanmar or, to invest for the first time. The total amount of FDI in Myanmar reached USD 7.5 billion in 2018.

Liberalization of Postal Sector: The recent and gradual liberalization of delivery services through partnership with third party logistics provides–after decades of strict monopoly by Myanmar Post for mail and small parcels–have enabled the development of a small e-commerce logistics market, primarily in urban regions of Yangon and Mandalay. Cross border e-commerce is still in the nascent growth stage, mainly due to custom clearance procedures in Myanmar which take 5-7 days as against the ideal standard of 1-2 days.

Focus towards Modernization: Myanmar ranked 126th out of 170 countries in the 2016 Integrated Index for Postal Development by the Universal Postal Union (UPU). UPU is now supporting Myanmar Post to aid its development and digitalization process. The Ministry of Transport and Communication and Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications have signed a memorandum of cooperation in the postal sector for the modernization and improvement of Myanmar’s postal services.


Myanmar Express Logistics Market

Myanmar Courier and Parcel Market

Myanmar CEP Market

Number of Parcel Myanmar

Courier Shipments Myanmar

Express Parcels Market Myanmar

Myanmar Logistics Market

Myanmar E-Commerce Market

Myanmar Logistics Cost

Transportation Cost Myanmar

Parcel Freight Cost Myanmar

Myanmar E-Commerce GMV

Myanmar Postal License

Number of E-Commerce Shipments Myanmar

Number of Mails and Documents Myanmar

Domestic E-Commerce Shipments Myanmar

International E-Commerce Shipments Myanmar

Air Freight Revenue Myanmar

Air Freight Volume Myanmar

Road Freight Revenue Myanmar

Air Freight Revenue Myanmar

Cold Chain Myanmar

EMS Myanmar Post Joint Venture

EMS Myanmar Future Plans

DHL Express Myanmar Fleet Size

DHL Express Myanmar Warehousing Space

DHL Express Myanmar Import Rate Chart

DHL Express Myanmar number of Shipments

UCL Partnerships

UCL Business Strategies

UCL Allport Cargo Services Joint Venture

MGL Myanmar Warehousing Space

MGL Myanmar Employee Size MGL Myanmar Fleet Size

MGL Express Rates

MGL Myanmar Number of Shipments

Royal Express Employee size

Royal Express USP

Royal Express Clientele

Royal Express Business Strategy

Royal Express Expansion

Royal Express Rates

Royal Shop Number of Shipments

Royal Express Number of Shipments

SBS Express number of Shipments

SBS Express Revenue

RG Express Myanmar Fleet Size

RG Express Door Asia Cargo

Myanmar Zarla Distribution

Key Segments Covered

Express Logistics Market

Revenue By Type of Service

Mails and Documents

E-Commerce Parcels

Express Cargo

Express Cold Chain

Number of Shipments by Domestic and International

Domestic Shipments

International Shipments

Number of Shipments by Air and Road Express

Air Express

Road Express

Key Target Audience

Courier and Parcel Companies

Express Logistics Companies

3PL Companies

Consultancy Companies

E-Commerce Companies

Time Period Captured in the Report:

Historical Period: 2013-2018

Forecast Period: 2019-2023

Companies Covered:


DHL Express

UCL Express

MGL Express

Royal Express

SBS Express

RG Express

Myanmar Zarla Distribution

Marathon Express

Key Topics Covered in the Report

Myanmar Express Logistics Overview and Genesis

Value Chain for E-Commerce Logistics in Myanmar

Myanmar Express Logistics Market Size

Myanmar Express Logistics Market Segmentation

Air and Road Freight Earnings and Volume

Competitive Scenario

Pricing Analysis of Myanmar Express Delivery Firms

Heat Map of Myanmar Express Delivery Firms

Strengths and Weakness of Major Players

Myanmar Express Logistics Future Market Size

Myanmar Express Logistics Future Market Segmentation

Key Industry Norms and Regulations

Analyst Recommendations

For more information, refer to below link:

Myanmar Courier, Express and Parcel Market

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)