“Building digital infrastructure for solving data and connectivity demands”


New Delhi, July 11, 2020: Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is celebrating 125 years of partnership with India’s development journey this year and is extensively working closely with Government on policy issues, interfacing with thought leaders, and enhancing efficiency, competitiveness and business opportunities for industry through a range of specialized services and strategic global linkages.

In this context, CII Western Region is organizing the 2nd CII Datacenter Blueprint Virtual Summit 2020 (digital conference) with the theme, ‘Building digital infrastructure for solving data and connectivity demands’ from 30th – 31st July 2020 on the CII digital platform.

Mr Prasanna Sarambale, Chief Executive Officer, Data Center Business and Group Head, Business Development, Sterling & Wilson Pvt Ltd is the Chairman of the 2nd CII Datacenter Blueprint Virtual Summit 2020.

This initiative seeks to bring together key stakeholders from large scale datacenter operators, new and upcoming datacenter developers, datacenter infrastructure providers and datacenter technology experts to deliberate upon building digital infrastructure of national scale.

The conclave will discuss key aspects on datacenter investments, digital infrastructure development, datacenter regulatory policies, development of national datacenter hubs, infrastructure and capacity building measures, skill development, and emerging technology practices to develop datacenter infrastructure of global standards.

Some of the Plenary Panel Sessions would be:

  • Policy and Investments: Policy Interventions to Support Datacenter Expansion and Investments in the Region
  • Digital Infrastructure: Reimagining Digital Infrastructure of India – Innovations in Driving Datacenter Business
  • Datacenter Infrastructure: Innovation and Emerging technologies in Datacenter Infrastructure expansion – Modernization and Upgradation of datacenter facilities to meet current demands
  • Operation & Environment: Using Operational Excellence to Achieve Sustainability and a Competitive Advantage

Given the background, I am requesting you to kindly confirm your participation using the link: Please register here

In case you are unable to participate, may I also request you to nominate a senior representative to attend the conclave?

I do hope you would accept our invitation and look forward to receiving your positive confirmation.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)