Asia Cold Chian 2015


New Delhi, June 19, 2015
Are you visiting Asia Cold Chain Show (ACCS) this July?


Get ready to visit Asia Cold Chain Show – ASEAN’s Biggest Event for Cold Chain Technologies featuring participants from across the globe.

The Asia Cold Chain Show scheduled from 22-24 July 2015 at IMPACT Exhibition and Convention Centre, Bangkok, Thailand will bring together cold storages, temperature controlling, material handling, logistics and cold supply chain solutions all together at one place. ACCS will gather more than 5,500 industry professionals under one roof. Taking place in concurrence with Asia Cold Chain Congress, ACCS gives you an opportunity for business, education and networking.

Supported by Warehouse Silo and Cold Storage Business Association, Federation of Cold Storage Association of India and Cold Chain Associations of Indonesia, Philippines, the exhibition offers a large variety of products, solutions and technologies and is particularly beneficial for decision makers from Agro & Agriculture, Fisheries, Dairy, Horticulture, Hotel, Restaurants, Fast Food Chains, Fruits & Vegetables, Food Grains, Retail, Processed & Packaged Foods, Pharmaceutical, Seafood and many other sectors which are regular users of cold storages, temperature controlling techniques, materials handling and cold logistics.

Visit Asia Cold Chain Show if you wish to procure latest equipments, see live product demos and learn industry trends.

What will you see at ACCS 2015?

  • More than 150 live technologies and solutions representing cold storage infrastructure, cold transport and cold supply chain.
  • Meet exhibitors and representative brands from more than 15 countries.
  • Connect with your industry colleagues and meet industry thought leaders at Asia Cold Chain Congress.
  • Learn industry best practices, latest trends and meet potential recruiters.

Adding value to your visiting experience will be the Asia Cold Chain Congress, a two day conference taking place on 22-23 July 2015 that will be co-located with Asia Cold Chain Show at IMPACT Exhibition and Convention Centre. The conference discussions and sessions will be based on the theme ‘Exploring new strategies and opportunities to grow cold chain business in ASEAN region’.

The event is free to visit. For visitor registration and more information please visit