IIT Madras Mentors Two New IITs – IIT Palakkad and IIT Tirupati


Both the new IITs commence admissions for the academic year 2015-2016

New Delhi, June 25, 2015

IIT Madras is mentoring two new IITs – IIT Palakkad and IIT Tirupati. The two new IITs are ready to receive the first batch of 120 students each for the academic year 2015-2016. These IITs will offer B.Tech courses in 4 core branches namely Civil, Computer Science, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering with 30 seats in each branch. Till a Director is appointed by MHRD for each of these IITs, the Director of IIT Madras Prof. Bhaskar Ramamurthi will be the Mentor Director. Senior faculty members Prof. P. B. Sunil Kumar and Prof. K. N. Satyanarayana have been appointed as Professor-in-charge for IIT Palakkad and IIT Tirupati respectively.

We have planned and worked extensively over the past ten months to ensure that when we begin classes in August 2015, we give the first batch of students an educational and living experience comparable to that at any existing IIT” , said Prof. Bhaskar Ramamurthi, Director – IIT Madras and Mentor Director for IIT Palakkad and IIT Tirupati.

We are on schedule with all arrangements to receive students at IIT Palakkad. Apart from the infrastructure, we are also ready with faculty, teaching assistants and all other necessary academic support” said Prof. Sunil Kumar, Professor-in-charge, IIT Palakkad.

“We are all set with the infrastructure, faculty and staff to get started at IIT Tirupati. We see a bright future for this IIT as it is strategically located in the Knowledge and Industrial Hub that Andhra Pradesh Government is developing around Tirupati” saidProf. Satyanarayana, Professor in-charge, IIT Tirupati.

The sites for the permanent campus have been identified for both IITs and the respective State Governments are in the process of handing over the land. The two new IITs will start functioning in temporary premises of sufficient size with adequate hostel capacity.Students can avail IIT Palakkad and IIT Tirupati as an option while filling their online choices from 25 th June 2015. Classes at both the IITs will begin during the first week of August 2015.

The students will experience in the temporary campus academic and living facilities similar to those in any of the IITs. The new IITs will have their own academic building, hostels and residential premises for faculty and staff. Reputed senior faculty members have been identified to teach at both the IITs, some of whom have been Heads of Departments and Deans. Several of them will be resident at the new IITs. The classrooms and laboratories are equipped to the same, if not better, level compared to an existing IIT, and the hostels are as comfortable. Most importantly, the students will experience personalized education due to the smaller batch size and extra attention being paid by the highly experienced faculty and staff. No effort and expense is being spared to ensure that the facilities are state-of-the-art, the teaching is high-quality, and the ambience inviting. IIT Madras has earlier mentored IIT Hyderabad and IIITDM when they were set up a few years ago, and this experience stands it in good stead.