Solar Charkha Model to Generate Employment Opportunities for Women


New Delhi, June 26,2015: Shri Giriraj Singh, Minister of State, MSME made a two days maiden visit to Central Office, KVIC. In his interaction with Shri Arun Kumar Jha, CEO and Commissioner, senior KVIC officials and representatives of Khadi Institutions from the State of Maharashtra said that Solar Charkha which is a technology innovation is a revolution in Khadi sector.

Shri Giriraj Singh said that the objective is to employ one lakh women in each parliamentary constituency and cover them under social security schemes. It also aims to increase Khadi sales from Rs.26,000 crore to Rs.1.00 lakh crore. “There is no increase in the number of people associated with khadi production due to low wages, exodus of artisans and less productivity” said the Minister. The Govt plans to make khadi a changing agent and believes solar charkhas will lower strain on weavers, increase productivity and generate between Rs.5,000/- to Rs.8,000/- a month for each workers.

“To employ one person at textile mill with 25,000 spindles, the capital cost is around Rs.60 lakh, whereas it needs only Rs.60,000/- to Rs. 70,000/- in the case of a solar charkha” he added.

During the meeting, the Minister also interacted with fashion designers who came out with practical suggestion to make khadi viable and popular among youth.

He also had a brain storming meet with Dr. Harsh Kumar Bhanwala, Chairman and Managing Director of NABARD and Dr. Kshatrapati Shivaji, Chairman and Managing Director, SIDBI for convergence with KVIC for opening new employment possibility in the State of Maharashtra. By working in KVIC clusters and supporting women Khadi spinner and institutions through PMEGP schemes taking the advantage of CTMSE scheme with khadi activity.