A spectacular program on birthday of the Film Studios Setting and Allied Mazdoor Union’s General Secretary Gangeshwarlal Shrivastav(Sanju)


Mumbai, January 23, 2019: The birthday of Gangeshwarlal Shrivastav(Sanju), a workmen’s representative of the energy and labour department of Maharashtra Government, General secretary of the Asia’s biggest films trade union ‘Film Studios Setting and Allied Mazdoor Union’, Treasurer of the Mumbai Film Federation and President of the social and cultural organisation-Shakti Janhit Manch, was celebrated on Saturday, 18 January 2020 at many places with gusto and jubilation..

Gangeshwarlal Shrivastav(Sanju)’s birthday was celebrated by cutting cake at Allied Mazdoor Union’s office at Malad East, Mumbai Film Federation’s office at Andheri West, D Mart office located at Durvash Apartment, Nalasopara East and Shakti Janhit Manch’s office at Santosh Bhuvan at Ambadadi. This was followed by colourful musical program at Shadi.Com Hall.

On the occasion a 4 day long Night Box cricket tournament was organised at Lashabir Nagar.Besides, ration and blankets were distributed to poor and needy families by Shakti Janhit Manch. Also a cardiac ambulance for public was inaugurated. With this Shri Sanjuji received well wishes of his fans and well wishers and blessings of beneficiary poor families.Prominent among those who attended the function included President of Film Federation B N Tiwari, General Secretary Ashok Dubey, Shakti Janhit Manch’s Executive President Ramjatan Gupta, General Secretary Sanjay Singh SJM office bearers Pradip Singh, Rajesh Shukla, Raj Sharma, Kishan Gupta, Brujesh Yadav, Sachindra Shrivastav and Deepak Shrivastav were present on the occasion.