All India ITR Launches Guidelines to Assist Companies in Filing e-Form ACTIVE (INC 22A)


New Delhi, April 26, 2019: All India ITR, a leading tax consultancy has launched guidelines to assist companies in filing the e-Form ACTIVE. The considerable tax expertise of All India ITR ensures its clients’ e-Form ACTIVE is filed in a transparent manner that ultimately benefits their business. It has a talented team of CS/CA/CWA’s who understand the intricacies of filing this crucial form.

The e-Form ACTIVE must be filed by every company registered on or before 31st December 2017. It was introduced in an ordinance by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and is filed to indicate that the company is operational. The ordinance was introduced as Companies (Incorporation) Amendment Rules, 2019 and became effective from 25th February 2019. Every company registered on or before 31st December 2017 must file the e-Form ACTIVE by April 25th, 2019. The e-Form ACTIVE is filed to update the registered address of companies. To be successfully filed, an e-Form ACTIVE must be certified by a practicing CS/CA/CWA and also, in case of One Person Company (OPC) by 1 Director and other companies by 2 Directors, or 1 Director and 1 Key Management Personnel.

Companies that are struck off or in process of being so aren’t required to file the form. If a company is undergoing liquidation, amalgamation, or dissolution, as recorded with Registrar of Companies it also is exempt. A company that has not filed due financial statements under Section 137 or due annual returns under Section 92, or both, with ROC, is restricted from filing. Companies in a managerial dispute recorded by the ROC are not restricted from filing. A company that files e-Form ACTIVE after the due date will incur a fine of INR 10,000. A company that doesn’t file the e-Form ACTIVE cannot file the SH-7, PAS-3, DIR-12 (except cessation), INC-22, and INC-28.

Speaking about All India ITRs services that ensure the e-Form ACTIVE is filed as required, Heena Arora, Finance & Marketing Head, All India ITR said, “Companies that file the e-Form ACTIVE ensure that they aren’t penalised and remain in good standing with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. All tax professionals employed with All India ITR have a thorough understanding of the e-Form ACTIVE allowing them to file the form to our clients’ satisfaction. We’re proud to say we have a team that understands how it can use its expertise to help clients make complex filings easy.”

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)