Anand Sharma and UP CM Launch DMIC Project in uttar Pradesh UP to Create 30 Lakh Jobs and Industrial Output Worth 24 Lakh Crore Due to New Initiatives


New Delhi March 3, 2014: The Union Minister of Commerce and Industry,  Shri Anand Sharma and Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Akhilesh Yadav launched Delhi Mumbai Corridor in Uttar Pradesh, in Lucknow today. “Uttar Pradesh will be the main beneficiary of the Industrial Corridor strategy being pursued by Government of India as it is the meeting point of the Eastern and the Western Corridors. The entire agriculture produce of UP can be linked to cold chains and put on Western Corridor at Dadri. This will enable all agricultural products to reach the ports in record time. The overall impact of the Western and Eastern Corridors and the new Industrial Cities being developed in the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor project have the potential to create over 30 lakh jobs in UP and enhance the State’s Industrial Output by Rs. 24 lakh crores” Said Shri Sharma on the occasion.

The growth of manufacturing sector is an essential condition for sustaining GDP growth rate to 8-9% on a long term basis.  Government of India proposes to enhance the share of manufacturing sector in GDP growth from 16% to 25% within a decade and creating 100 million jobs.  In this regard, Government of India has announced the pioneering National Manufacturing Policy 2013. 

The conceptualization of the DMIC project as an iconic symbol of Indo-Japan strategic partnership was made.  It has rapidly moved forward and seven new industrial cities have advanced towards implementation.

The Government has also announced three more Industrial Corridor Projects namely:

(a)          Amritsar-Kolkatta Industrial Corridor Project with Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor as the back bone;

(b)          Chennai-Bangalore Industrial Corridor Project;

(c)           Bangalore-Mumbai Economic Corridor Project


The Industrial Corridors will lead to the development of futuristic industrial cities with transport connectivity effective and efficient technologies, reliable energy supply and efficient logistics. This will enable India to compete with the best in the manufacturing and investment estimation of the world and have the potential of radically transforming India into global manufacturing hub within a decade.


Dadri-Noida-Ghaziabad Industrial City:

The vision of this 217 km. Investment Region is to develop an Infrastructure led integrated industrial city which is smart, sustainable, well connected  and having state of art support industrial and social infrastructure. The master plan has adopted the following principles:

•             Developing Industrial City of Future endowed with all the requisite physical & social infrastructure like Water, Power, housing, health, education etc.

•             Transit Oriented Development: The region to be supported by efficient mass transport system. High intensity mixed land use is proposed to be developed along major transit nodes.

•             Improved connectivity with Development of intra and inter regional connectivity has been provided as part of the overall planning process. Considering that development of investment region will augment creation of employment opportunity in the region, there would be significant requirements for improving the connectivity.

•             Focus on Recycling of water and waste and integration of smart technologies.

Industries in sectors viz. Food, Auto, Electrical & Electronics, IT/ITeS, Research & Development, Aerospace, Biotech and Hi tech are proposed in the investment region.

Integrated Industrial Township at Greater Noida:

The Integrated Industrial Township is planned on the area of 302 ha with the key objective to create a “knowledge based ecosystem” integrated with industries leading to innovation and economic development. The project will generate direct industrial employment for about 58,000 workers. It will be planned as the first comprehensive built environment helping the launch of DMIC Investment Region. The project will strengthen the status of Greater Noida and Noida as a manufacturing destination. It will also encourage creation and growth of new businesses by fostering collaboration and innovation, also enhancing the development, transfer, and commercialization of technology.

Integrated Transport Hub at Boraki:

The transport hub along the Delhi‐Howrah trunk rail corridor, with state‐of‐the art Multi‐modal Transit facility at Boraki Village is envisioned to be the nucleus of development for Dadri-Noida-Ghaziabad Investment Region, Greater Noida and its upcoming extensions.  The project will integrate  four transit nodes and user‐friendly regional railway terminal, a metro passenger terminal, an ISBT, and the terminal station of the proposed rapid rail connectivity between DNGIR and Delhi International Airport. It shall be supplemented by a Business Centre (equipped with office and business hotel accommodation).

Seemless connectivity between Indira Gandhi International Airport  and Dadri-Noida Ghaziabad Investment Region:

With the object of providing fast and adequate rail‐based commuter connectivity to New Delhi, various alignment options are currently being explored to provide fast connectivity from the proposed Boraki Station (catering the population of Noida, Greater Noida and proposed Dadri-Noida-Ghaziabad Investment Region) with the Indira Gandhi International airport. The need of the project has emanated from the long travel time consumed by existing Road based transport systems.

Multi Modal Logistics Hub Project at Dadri:

By virtue of industrial development there would be an immediate need of developing the multi modal logistics hub within the Investment Region. The proposed MMLH is expected to handle 1.05 million TEUs.