Aptus Value Housing Finance India Limited


Chennai, November 02, 2023:  Aptus Value Housing Finance India Limited, a leading Housing Finance Company has declared its financial results for the second quarter and half year ended September 30, 2023.

Key Performance Metrics for H1 FY 24 (Consolidated)


Rs (in Crs)


H1 FY 24

H1 FY 23










Gross NPA (%)*



Decrease by 28 bps

RoA (%)



Maintained above 8%

RoE (%)



Increase by 117 bps


(*) – As per RBI circular dated 12 Nov 2021

Performance Highlights


·         Disbursements for H1 FY 24 was at Rs.1391 crores – 23% increase Y-o-Y

·         20 new branches added in Q2 FY 24 –  Network of 250 branches as on 30th September, 2023

·         Net worth of around Rs.3,540 crores

·         Diversified borrowings – from NHB, DFIs like IFC, large financial institutions and bank

Commenting on the results, Mr. M Anandan, Executive Chairman, said,

“The Company’s performance for the current quarter demonstrates a sustained trajectory of stability, growth and diversified income stream. In alignment with our strategic objective of expanding deeper into existing markets and contiguous expansion to newer markets, we have successfully commenced operations in 20 new branches during this period. This business expansion initiative has reinforced our commitment to augment investments in human resources, technological advancements and data analytics, all with the overall goal of ensuring sustainable future growth.

Digital adoption continues to be strong with steady improvement in business generation through our customer referral app and social media campaign.

Underpinned by our mission to empower underserved communities at large, we witnessed a robust disbursement of Rs. 1,391 crores in this half year, marking a 23% y-o-y increase and resulting in a
28% y-o-y growth in AUM to reach Rs. 7,604 crores as on September 30, 2023.

Our asset quality with focus on early delinquencies has helped us to reduce our 30 + DPD by 51 bps to 5.99% on y-o-y basis.

The company is well capitalised with a net worth of Rs. 3,540 crores as on Sep 30, 2023. We have diligently maintained a healthy balance sheet liquidity of Rs 974 crores which includes undrawn sanction of Rs. 300 crores from NHB and Rs. 290 crores from various banks. With strong capital base and prudent borrowing practices, we have been able to maintain positive ALM across tenors.

During this quarter the Company’s ROA and ROE has remained resilient at 8.10% and
17.00% respectively.

As we move forward, we shall continue to pursue our strategic objectives diligently, aiming for sustained growth and continued excellence across all our operations”.

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)