ASEL Financial Results for the Quarter Ended 30th June 2020


Kolkata, August 05, 2020: The Board of Directors of Avadh Sugar & Energy Limited (ASEL) (BSE: 540649 / NSE: AVADHSUGAR) at its meeting held on 4thAugust, 2020 took on record the un-audited Financial Results for theQuarterended June 2020.

Particulars (Rs. Crore) Q1 FY21 Q1 FY20
Total Income (Net) 563.59 478.64
EBITDA 55.58 86.50
EBITDA Margin (%) 9.86% 18.07%
PBT 15.54 41.32
PAT 10.05 26.38
EPS (Rs.) 5.02 13.18


Commenting on the results, Mr. C.S. Nopany, Co-Chairperson, Avadh Sugar & Energy Ltd said: 

After a lower estimated production in sugar season 2019-20 at 27 MMT, plantation reports indicate a significant jump in the sugarcane production for the season 2020-21. Lower consumption of sugar due to impact of Covid Pandemic is likely to further aggravate the supply demand mismatch as we go forward. We hope the Government will continue with its proactive measures to encourage production of B-Heavy Ethanol, aggressive export of sugar and extension of buffer stock to manage the impending glut. It is also expected that the MSP of sugar will be increased to enable swift clearance of sugarcane arrears that continue to be daunting. 

Key Highlights

  • Sugar Stock as on 30thJune, 2020 was at 46.94 lakh quintals
  • Average realization in Q1 FY21was 3131.67per quintal
  • Expansion at Hargaon&Seohara Distillery on track; to be commissioned by Sept /Oct 2020

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)