ASEL Financial Results_31st March 2020


Kolkata, June, 29, 2020: The Board of Directors of Avadh Sugar & Energy Limited (ASEL) (BSE: 540649 / NSE: AVADHSUGAR) at its meeting held on 22nd June, 2020 took on record the audited Financial Results for the Year and Quarter ended March 2020.

Particulars (Rs.Crore) Q4




FY20 FY19
Total Income (Net) 773 534 2565 2134
EBITDA 95 148 267 295
PBT 61 109 106 154
PAT 61 85 89 120
EPS (Rs.) 30.23* 42.57* 44.27 59.88

*Not annualized 

Commenting on the results, Mr. C.S. Nopany, Co-Chairperson, Avadh Sugar & Energy Ltd said:

“Sugar season 2019/20 was a season with lower output after a prolonged glut in previous seasons. During the year, sugar segment experienced growth in its volumes and value amid export framework of MAEQ and MSP support by the Government.Power segment performance was impacted on account of revised power tariffs.The Company has produced ethanol from “‘B” heavy molasses, having higher realization.

The recent exogenous shock faced by the world economies has left an unprecedented impact on various industries. The sugar consumption has been impacted on account of the unprecedented economic and social lockdown. We contributed towards the fight of nation towards Covid-19 by manufacturing hand sanitizers. We believe that Governments proactive measures to contain the spread of virus and revival in demand will enable us to overcome the challenges.”

Key Highlights
  1. Sugar Stock as on 31stMarch, 2020 was at45.61 lakh quintals
  2. Average domestic realization in FY20 was Rs. 3250 per quintal against Rs. 3003 per quintal in FY19
  3. Work for installation of incineration boiler and expansion of project at Seohara and Hargaon Distilleries is on track and is scheduled to be completed before start of next sugar season.
  4. The Board of Directors has recommended the dividend of Rs4/- per equity share subject to approval of share-holders.

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)