Balanced Growth Oriented Budget


FKCCI welcomes the maiden Budget of Mr. D.V. Sadananda Gowda, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka. Given the slowdown in 2011-12, FKCCI welcomes the 2012-13 Budget which is directed basically to strengthen the irrigation net work, agriculture and allied sectors productivity, the rail and road net work particularly rural areas, initiative for developing Tadri Port, urban housing, power sector and other growth related economic sectors. All these sectors got significant allocation ranging between 10 to 18% share in the total plan outlay.

FKCCI is happy to note that its consistent emphasis to give importance to agriculture is taken care in this Budget. FKCCI appreciates credit facility at low rate of interest to the farmers, cluster-village based programmes, programme to increase the productivity in dry land farming, value addition in the field of horticulture and animal husbandry and support to use of appropriate technology and mechanized implementation, establishment of Technology Park for development of maize, tur dal, and coconut. FKCCI welcomes the maiden efforts to provide appropriate market facilities by strengthening various facilities at APMC and other rural markets.

FKCCI is also glad to note that its recommendation in its pre-budget memorandum for providing adequate subsidy to ESCOMS to meet the cost of 12600 Million units for IP sets less than 10 HP has been met.

FKCCI appreciates that one of its consistent demands for a development of District and Taluka connectivity for market development is considered in this Budget, under SHDP, which would provide better mobility between the growth pole and market.

Special focus given to development of Bangalore particularly in the area of road and water supply is appreciated.

FKCCI welcomes establishment of an industrial area in Chikabalapur in memory of its Founder Sir M Visvesvaraya and 11 sectors specific parks in various regions of the State.

FKCCI appreciates establishment of high-tech Multi Skill Development Centers at Mangalore and Belgaum in addition to the existing two, which incidentally is one of our demands. We are happy to note that special focus for providing skill training to 4.5 lakhs unemployed youth, which would help the industry and tourism sector to overcome its skilled work force, was mentioned in this Budget.

FKCCI is happy to note that most of the tax reliefs that it sought in its pre-budget memorandum have been considered. We are particularly happy that our request for reducing VAT on diesel is met partially. We are happy to note the reduction in VAT on gold, jewellery and some food items.

FKCCI welcomes the reduction in stamps and registration charges particularly in pledging of documents is reduced to 0.1%.

To conclude FKCCI welcomes the growth oriented initiatives of Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka in his maiden Budget. We only feel that he should have given some more importance to the industrial sector, particularly in line with Karnataka Industrial Policy 2009-14, which could have helped strengthening the manufacturing sector for increasing its contribution to the State’s GSDP.