BESCOM – Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited, Corporate Office, BESCOM K.R.Circle, Bengaluru-560001


Name : BESCOM – Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited

Contact Person : C. Nataraja

Designation : General Manager (Ele)/ Demand Side Managaement(Dsm)

Address : Corporate Office, BESCOM K.R.Circle, Bengaluru-560001

Tel. No.: 080-2234 1199, 9449844861

Email : [email protected]

Website :


BESCOM – Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited is responsible for power distribution in Eight districts of Karnataka. BESCOM covers an area of 41,092 Sq. Kms. with a population of over 207 lakhs.

The company has 3 operating Zones – Bangalore Metropolitan Area Zone, Bangalore Rural Area Zone and Chitradurga Zone, 9 Circles, 28 Divisions, 119 Sub-divisions and 453 Section Offices.

In the year 1999, Karnataka embarked on a major Reform of the power sector. As a first step, Karnataka Electricity Board (KEB) was dissolved and in its place, the Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL) was incorporated.

This was followed by the constitution of Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) in November 1999.In the next phase of the Reform Process, the transmission and distribution business managed by KPTCL were unbundled in June 2002. Four new distribution companies were formed to distribute power in Karnataka.

Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited (BESCOM) has taken over the responsibility from KPTCL for the distribution of electricity in 8 districts and commenced its operations from 1st June 2002.