Bootstrapping With A Paycheck: Entrepreneur Journeys


New Delhi, November 2014 – In this eleventh volume of her acclaimed Entrepreneur Journeys series,Sramana Mitra takes on the subject of starting a company while holding onto a full-time job. She talks to entrepreneurs who have built sizable businesses while navigating the messy, cash-strapped startup phases using their own paychecks, or their spouses’ income. The experience simulates sitting down with each of them, discussing over a cup of coffee, the gory details of their decisions.

Risk appetite varies from entrepreneur to entrepreneur. Family situations, financial obligations, constraints, etc. often come on the way of entrepreneurial dreams. This volume is encouraging particularly because of its message of a flexible, pragmatic approach towards startups.

Sramana Mitra’s One Million by One Million (1Mby1M) global virtual accelerator follows this principle of case study-based learning to leverage the experiences of successful entrepreneurs to teach and mentor those who are trying to grow their businesses in various sectors of the digital economy. The program is one of very few, if not the only one,that supports entrepreneurs who want to bootstrap their companies without quitting their day jobs. CCI Newswire