CII Karnataka powers, power seminar


India faces an energy crunch of about 10 per cent, inspite of having the fifth largest power generation capacity globally. Thus CII Karnataka has taken an initiative to organise a meet with the ‘Conference on Power: Managing Power for Sustainable Future’ on 25-26 August 2011, at Hotel Taj West End, Bangalore. The two-day conference will enable diffusion of ideas to identify new business opportunities, network and learn from leading practitioners in the Energy sector. The conference intends to bring together eminent speakers and domain experts in energy and utilities to share their experiences and views on power demand, energy efficiency, reducing peak power consumption, sustainable energy conservation and improving power reliability.

Held on a national scale the meet desires to elucidate ways to increase power generation, tap renewable energy effectively, minimize AT&C losses, energy conservation and demand side management. On these lines the Government of Karnataka has set in motion the purchase of 1,300 MW of power every day from difference sources to meet the demand. Also in the offing is the setting up of 167 new receiving stations across the State with a proposal for installing 19 66KV capacity stations.