Corona Impact TS Govt urged not to cut salaries of 100% Blind: DWAB


Hyderabad, April 03, 2020: The Blind in the Telangana State urged Chief Minister not to cut the salaries of 100% Blind as announced by the Government that they would only pay half of the salary of Government employees

DWAB, A Blind School Run by Blind for the blind in a press note issued in the Hyderabad, state capital, urged Financial Secretary to exempt the blind from the announcement.

Corona, or no Corona, blind are blind we cant see and we cant do anything on our own.  We depend on others.  A fifty percent cut in our salary may put under sever stress. Hence I request government not to cut salaries of 100% blind employees in the state said P. Chokkarao, President of DWAB, P. Chokka Rao, General Secretary of DWAB in a press note issued in Hyderabad 

At the most they may deduct our one day salary, he added.

DWAB General Secretary, P. Chokka Rao can be reached on 7702396073

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)