Despite winning case after 23 years, against Amar Jyoti Vidya Mandir High School, Ramakant R Dubey is yet to get justice.


Mumbai, September 19, 2019: Ramakant Ramakhilan Dubey, working as a Shipahi(Peon) in Amar Jyoti Educatioan Society’s Amar Jyoti Vidya Mandir High School (Bhayandar,Thane) was suspended from service in April 1995 without any reason, while the school itself had selected him on 13 June 1992 for the post of  Shipahi(Peon) and was given a charge.After suspension, he fought a legal battle for 23 years and eventually was reinstated on 2 December 2016 as per the Supreme Court’s order. However he is being harassed even today by the school authorities. Sometimes he is being harassed for birth certificate, some time it is for marking the attendance in Muster Book or some time on any other flimsy excuse. Despite directions by the Bombay High Court, he has not been given half salary for 23 days, nor is he paid pension or given any other compensation. In the entire episode, the role of Education Inspector Sheshrao Bade is doubtful and the education department is not at all cooperating, Dubey said.

 “If Amar Jyoti Education Society or education department fails to take quick action, I will begin hunger fast in front of the school, since school authorities are violating the instructions of the Bombay High Court,” Dubey said.

“Despite winning case in school tribunal (2002), Bombay High Court (2016), (2017) and (2018), Supreme Court (2016) and finally winning the case on 12/13 June 2018,the Amar Jyoti Vidya Mandir High School has continued its high handedness and has been bypassing Bombay High Court and Supreme Court orders, which is a contempt of court”, Dubey said.

Ramakant Dubey was removed from service in April 1995. Due to this, he could not look after studies of his children, He spent days doing menial jobs. He slept with empty stomach when he did not get any work. Due to the legal battle, the amount of debt he had taken mounted and he became old untimely. The health of his children deteriorated and his own health became worst due to the constant tension. He won legal battle after 23 years but his condition remains unchanged even today. Based on Supreme Court order, he was reinstated in service in December 2016 and in March 2019; he was given little notional financial aid. His name was taken on muster in July 2017, but neither the date of joining nor his date of birth was mentioned, so he can be trapped in any other case, Dubey alleged.

As per the High Court directions and Accounts Officer of Education Department, he should be reinstated from 7 July 1995 and be paid 50 per cent salary for the period 7 July 1995 to November 1996 as per 5th and 6th Pay Commission. Besides, the salary for the period December 2016 onwards till today, be paid as per 6th/7th Pay Commission. “Despite court order, up till now he has not been paid back-salary, pension or compensation. Some payment has been made, but the school administration has not given a break up for the same” Dubey alleged.

“The school authorities are having negative attitude. Founder Bachanu Bagelu Chaube, Principal Renu Manoj Chaube, Secretary Kiran Bachanu Chaube and Education Inspector Sheshrao Bade are not following the court order and are harassing him. His family passed the days virtually in hell for the last 23 years. “I won the case after long drawn legal battle. But the school authorities are not implementing the court orders. As such criminal cases are slapped against office bearers of the school for not implementing the court orders for the last 15 years. I have already been cheated, yet the school is harassing me even today”, Ramakant alleged.

In a recent incident, on 9 September 2019, when he went to school, the school authorities hid the attendance muster and he was not allowed to sign in. However he recorded his attendance with electronic punching machine and also recorded his attendance in school notice book. “I will soon undertake fast in front of the school and will seek justice in people’s court” Dubey said.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)