Digital Railways for Digital India – Nitesh Thattasery, CEO & Founder of Waulite Technologies


New Delhi, April 29, 2017: Indian railways caters to millions consumers every day and those travelling represent one of the largest consuming classes of India. It’s a massive opportunity for brands to communicate with these travelers when they are waiting or moving. Travelers often look up to these screens to get updates on their journey and it’s a great place to play branded content interspersed with Railway travel information. Brands can play longer messages like TVCs and long static communications played on the digital screens.

Intelligent placement of digital screens targeting travelers and using technology to analyze and optimize traveler attention will make this MEDIA format one of the must lucrative and media efficient. Security of the content played will be another very critical element. Using technology that provides multiple layers of security will be of essence along with self-regulations methods to ensure only appropriate content in played in public spaces. This is where Waulite’s Wauly has an edge over many digital content technology management systems. We will see innovation in the content side as well – brands will work with their agencies to develop shorter branded content that will make the point more clearly. We will see content format moving from horizontal to vertical as well.

Overall its exciting times ahead..for the consumers, media and the railways.

Nitesh has spent more than 18 years in the advertising and marketing communications industry. In his roles as a business leader, he has build and managed brands across geographies and has successfully built his organizations business and reputation through stellar work and solid relationships. Success to him has always been about creating avenues that provides organizations highest growth rates in their respective categories. He decided to bring his domain expertise in communications, consumer understanding and marketing in to the world of technology. He heads Waulite with a strong product and business focus.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)