Distinguished dubbing artiste Surendra Bhatia voices for BBC’s extraordinary ‘Voice of God’ Sir David Attenborough


    New Delhi, November 30, 2018: BBC Earth known for their seminal show offerings like “Blue Planet”, “Frozen Planet”, “Life Story” and others have roped in illustrious dubbing artiste Surendra Bhatia after a row of auditions in India to give voice over to London-based ‘Voice of God’ Sir David Attenborough. The dubbing star winner of many laurels including the Dadasaheb Phalke Academy Award is pleased to have bagged this prestigious project adding one more feather to his crowded cap.

    Speaking about this proud achievement, Surendra Bhatia says,“It is indeed a privilege and honour to dub for the world’s renowned and divine voice of Sir David Attenborough. I am thankful to BBC for giving me this renowned opportunity of my lifetime. In my long professional dubbing career, I have given voice over to many famous and veteran actors. Not only across the country but across the entire globe my voice has proved impressive and enthusiastic voice has been complemented and has rendered the character an immediate hit among the masses.  I am happy that many people have liked my performance and I get paid accordingly. ” Bhatia further informs that earlier years there was bare minimal scope for dubbing. He further adds, “But with the mushrooming of satellite channels in northern and regional languages, multiplexes, digital revolution, there has been a sea of change. Many television serials, films, commercial advertisements and other shows are being dubbed in different languages and are released simultaneously.”

    Looking back, the versatile dubbing artiste Surendra Bhatia, the ex-president of Association of Voice Artiste, recalls that he has completed around 36 years in this industry. Getting emotional, he quips, “This industry in my 36 years long journey has given me name, fame, respect, status, money and all that I could achieve through hard work. But the government fails to honour and reward our talent. Today many channels air dubbed serials, films, etc. in different languages which helps in fetching crores of rupees as revenue to the government exchequer too. But I regret that the government bodies overlooks in honouring the dubbing talents of our country. I at this stage do not require any such distinction, but it will inspire the young generations which the government bodies should make a note of. By honouring young talents with National Award, Padma Bhushan, Padma Shri and other highest civilian awards will make our countrymen proud. This will also help the government and the country self-important too. But why dubbing artiste is not added to these lists of awards is anybody’s guess. ”

    It was a pleasantry exchange of views while meeting the acclaimed and eminent dubbing artiste Surendra Bhatia, who has completed 36-years of his fruitful profession and was dubbing for BBC Earth’s upcoming television programme “Planet”.Bhatia had the privilege of dubbing for actor Richard Attenborough for his film “Jurassic Park”. Now he is dubbing for his brother David Attenborough for “Planet”.

    Tipping the youngsters who intend to take dubbing as their professional career, Surendra Bhatia highlights,“Dubbing artiste should be a good actor and then he should have a mesmerizing and resounding voice. When it comes to dubbing, there’s a lot of observation involved. Memorising the dialogue is important. Even laughter differs from person to person. The character in the film or the serial and his body language and the mood has to be taken into account. You have to tone your voice louder or smaller as per the requirement fitting into the gesture, style, mood to fit the bill.”

    Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)