Father’s Day Special: Free entry for dads at KidZania


New Delhi, June 21, 2018: Dads are the most ordinary men turned into super-heroes, story-tellers, and comrades for all adventures. Father’s day is upon us and there’s no
better way to spend this special day with dads, just the way they like
it. KidZania is all set to make this day super special for fathers who
can now join all the fun with their kids, at no extra cost!

KidZania Delhi NCR is celebrating Father’s Day all through the week with
FREE entry for Dads accompanied by their kid/s where they can enjoy a
host of activities for both fathers and kids along with Free VR Games.
Mommies, take note! It’s a day to plan your all ladies day out too!


Dads go FREE! Fathers get free entry to KidZania Delhi NCR

Role playing activities with kids where fathers can intern them and make
them understand new and fun roles of life.

Enjoy free unlimited Virtual Reality games.

WHEN: 12th June to 15th June 2018

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)