FKCCI condemns petrol price rise and demands immediate roll back


The hike in petrol prices at inappropriate time is acting as speed-breaker for the development.  The second increase in the last fifteen days is very unbearable and frequent increase of prices is causing total confusion in transport sector.  The Government must realize that transportation costs cannot be increased by the operators unlike Oil Companies.  Government has absolved itself of the price control mechanism but it definitely has the power to choose the timing. Who should bear the brunt of price rise every fortnight?  Questions Mr K. Shiva Shanmugam, President, FKCCI.

 FKCCI condemns petrol price rise and demands immediate roll back.  Furthermore, increase in petrol price and keeping diesel price untouched does not mean cost of transport is not disturbed.  Inflation, tardy industrial growth along with rising cost of living has made life miserable for manufacturers, traders and common man,   Mr Shiva Shanmugam said.