Gear up for the Final season of Game of Thrones with GoT merchandise from Myntra


~ Get your favourite house sigil and over 300 styles~

Bangalore, April 11, 2019: The world is counting down to the much anticipated final season of Game of Thrones (GoT) and Myntra is already wooing die-hard fans of the ubiquitous series with a wide range of GoT merchandise. Get your hands on the brand new collection of Kook N Keech –  GoT merchandise with styles varying from new season 8 designs like the Ice Dragon and the Night King; along with classics from the previous seasons.

Whether you are rooting for House Lannister, Starks or Targaryens, there are over 300 styles across categories such as t-shirts, sweatshirts, jeans and shirts, for men and women featuring the celebrated houses and characters of the fantasy drama.

The season 8 favorites covered in the collection include Starks, Lannisters, Targaryens,  along with popular characters Jon Snow, Khaleesi, Arya Stark, Tyrion and the evergreen phrases such as, “Winter is coming”, “A Lannister always pays his debts”, “Hand of the King”, “Fire cannot kill a dragon”, “Valar Morghulis” and more, from the GoT classics.

As the season approaches, Myntra is already seeing a surge in sales of Tyrion tees and the House of Stark T-shirts by men while the women have been ordering Khaleesi merchandise. Round neck t-shirts have been the most popular among both genders and there are many cuts, colours, style and fits to choose from.  The collection starts from Rs 599.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)