Hair and Skin Care Tips for Autumn from Experts


Bangalore, September 29, 2017: An interactive session on hair and skin care was conducted at Hairline International Hair and Skin Clinic today. This session was conducted by Dr. V. Premalatha, Dermatosurgeon, and Ms Mansi Belani, Fitness Nutritionist.

The session was on the tips, both practical and dietary necessary to maintain good hair and skin when transitioning from the rainy season to autumn. Hair and skin are especially susceptible to the vagaries of a changing season. Dryness of skin and hair fall are the most common issues faced. Here is a comprehensive look at the tips and suggestions provided at the session.

Dr. Premalatha, Dermatosurgeon, Hairline International

Q.1: What are the common afflictions of hair and skin during autumn?

Dr. Premalatha: Temperatures drop when the weather shifts from hot to cool. This tends to make the skin drier. If the skin is dry, it tends to crack. This can lead to eczema or dermatitis, an inflammation of the skin. Even the minutest amount of dust can irritate the skin, because it is in an already dry and cracked state.

Some of the winter wear we use has wool in it and this can also irritate the skin, as opposed to the comfort of cotton material in summers. The moisturizing factor in the skin reduces and there will be an increased incidence of dermatitis.

As far as hair goes, dryness increases the tendency of dandruff (the flaking of skin on the scalp). There can also be a change in the cycle of growth of the hair as well as an increased falling of hair in this season.

Q.2: What care does one need to take of their skin in autumn?

Dr. Premalatha: The basic idea for skin management in autumn is to use a higher amount of moisturizers during this season. This helps maintain moisture levels. Also regularly use exfoliants. It is essential however that you use only gentle scrubs. It is also important to use soaps that match the pH balance of the skin.

In terms of cosmetic treatment, there are certain meso-facials that are available to help improve the hydration levels of the skin. There are certain elements like the Hyluronic acid that provide water content to the skin. Ailments like eczema are treated on the basis of pathology – if they are atopic and require the use of certain steroids, then such treatments will be administered.

Q.3: What are the treatments available for hair care, and to reduce dryness in autumn?

Dr. Premalatha: As far as hair goes there are specific ozone therapies that can be used to reduce the dryness of the scalp and thereby reduce dandruff. There are also basic therapies to treat hair fall. This will include evaluation to see whether hair fall is seasonal or is there a deeper factor that will be brought to light based on pathology. Accordingly a specific treatment will be decided. It can be basic, or laser-based such as laser light or laser combs. For any pathology identified, it will be dealt with accordingly.

Q.4: Is hair and skin treatment specific to the kind of hair and skin an individual has?

Dr. Premalatha: If a person with an oily skin tendency continues to use heavy moisturizer because of the belief that it is necessary, it can result in acne. Such oily skin types should use water-based moisturizers. Similarly, with a temperature drop, many people tend to stop the use of sunscreens.

Fact is that even the slightest amount of sun rays can cause skin damage. So it is necessary that sunscreen is used irrespective of the season.

For the hair, if you use a lot of oil to encourage the growth of hair, yet have hair that is prone to get greasy in a day or so, it precipitates dandruff. It is necessary to hold back on the use of oil based on the kind of hair you have. The contact period of oil to the scalp is also important and this is something you need to determine along the way.

Ms Mansi Belani, Fitness Nutritionist Hairline International

Q.1: What are the dietary tips to keep in mind for good skin during autumn?

Ms Mansi Belani: Autumn is the transition from rain to winter. The body tries to adapt to the new environment and this may cause some stress in the body. Immunity goes down and even your digestive health can be compromised. Taking care of diet is the first step to healthy hair and skin. To overcome these three main factors –

· Easily digestible foods and those strong in probiotics will help improve the health of your digestive system. 1 to 2 servings of curd would be a good idea.

· Reduce the consumption of whole beans, chicken, fried and processed stuff. As this creates more pressure on your digestive system.

· To reduce the level of stress 5-7 servings of colourful vegetables and 2 servings of fruits are benefited.

· Seasonal fruits and vegetables such as gourd vegetables, pumpkin, apples, melons, lime and oranges are good choices to opt for.

Q.2: What are important nutrients to focus on for better hair and skin in autumn?

Ms Mansi Belani: As this is the transition period, skin and scalp dryness are common symptoms, to overcome dryness Omega 3 and zinc rich foods are good. 5 to 6 soaked almonds, a teaspoon of flaxseed soaked and 3 walnuts in a day will help in meeting these requirements. To boost your immunity and reduce chances of acne and pimples, antioxidants and protein are important. Include different pulses and cow milk and milk products in your diet.

Vitamin D also plays crucial role in maintaining good skin and hair health. As day becomes shorter, there is less chances to get appropriate amount of Vitamin D. Regular check-up and proper vitamin D supplement as per the requirement is important.

All of the above measures may also be used as a precaution as you find the weather changing. Following a similar pattern, but tweaked according to the intensity of winter, is also advised.

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