Highly Competitive APAC Large Appliances Market Expected to Witness Consolidation: Ken Research


New Delhi, July 28, 2016: APAC Large Appliances Market is comprised of televisions, Refrigerators, Air Conditioners and Washing machines. It has saturated a few markets in the region such as Australia, New Zealand and others. However, it is projected to grow in untapped regions like China, Cambodia, Vietnam and other regions.

In developed regions, less instability in demand is witnessed. Design and color are major deciding factors. A trend of environmental conscious consumers, willing to pay a higher price for environment friendly appliances is seen.

The historical trend of previous years shows a growth potential in the market owing to an increase in standard of living, urbanization, an augmenting middle class in South-East Asia and inclusion of females in the labor force. A large variety of products along with reduction in cost due to intense competition are growth drivers for the developing markets in APAC.

As of FY’2016, the market for Large Appliances in APAC has been led by Electrolux which has a large market share followed by GFK, Samsung, Toshiba and others.

The publication will be available on Ken Research website in September 2016 and is currently available for pre-order at a discount. For more information on the same, contact [email protected].

Tentative Scope

Chapter 1: Asia Pacific

1. Asia Pacific Large Appliances Market Genesis and Introduction

2. Asia Pacific Large Appliances Market Size by Revenue and Volume Sales, 2010-2015

3. Asia Pacific Large Appliance Market Segmentation

3.1. by Region (Explain business model, market size, segmentation)

3.1.1. Australia

3.1.2. New Zealand

3.1.3. Hong Kong

3.1.4. Taiwan

3.1.5. Korea

3.1.6. China

3.1.7. Cambodia

3.1.8. Vietnam

3.1.9. Thailand

3.1.10. Indonesia

3.1.11. ROA

3.2. By Product Categories

3.2.1. AC

3.2.2. Refrigerator

3.2.3. Television

3.2.4. Washing Machine

4. APAC Large Appliances Value Chain Analysis

5. Porter Five forces Analysis of APAC Large Appliances Market

6. Trends, Developments, Growth Drivers and Restraints in APAC Large Appliances Market

7. APAC Large Appliances Market Future Outlook and Projections, FY’2016-FY’2020

7.1. APAC Future Outlook and Projections by Product Segment and by Countries

7.2. Analyst Recommendations

Chapter 2: Developed Countries

8. Australia Large Appliances Market: Introduction and Genesis

8.1. Market Size

1.1.1. By Sales Volume in Units, FY’2011-FY’2016

1.1.2. By Revenue in USD Million, FY’2011-FY’2016

8.2. Segmentation By Product Categories( TV, Refrigerator, Washing Machine, Air Conditioner)

8.3. Segmentation by Region(Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3), FY’2011-FY’2016

8.4. Segmentation by Type of Distribution Channel (Direct/Indirect)

8.5. Snapshot of Logistics( Cost of transportation, Assembling ,Warehousing)

8.6. Governing Body Rules and Regulations for Large Appliances Market (Quality standards to be maintained, Certification Requirements, Industrial licensing)

8.7. Snapshot of Online Sales

8.7.1. By Product

8.7.2. By Competition

8.8. Import and Export Scenario of Large Appliances market (Volume, Value, Destination Involved, Duties, Technology patents, raw materials)

8.9. Major Players (Market Share, USP, Future Strategies, Revenue Streams, Best Sellers)

8.10.Australia Large Appliances Future Outlook and Projects by product, FY’2017-FY’2021

9. New Zealand Large Appliances Market: Introduction and Genesis

9.1. Market Size

1.1.3. By Sales Volume in Units, FY’2011-FY’2016

1.1.4. By Revenue in USD Million, FY’2011-FY’2016

9.2. Segmentation By Product Categories( TV, Refrigerator, Washing Machine, Air Conditioner)

9.3. Segmentation by Region(Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3), FY’2011-FY’2016

9.4. Segmentation by Type of Distribution Channel (Direct/Indirect)

9.5. Snapshot of Logistics( Cost of transportation, Assembling, Warehousing)

9.6. Snapshot of Online Sales

9.6.1. By Product

9.6.2. By Competition (GMV, Net Cancellations, Number of Orders from website and from mobile app, average order size, number of warehouses, fulfillment centers, Average logistics cost per order, number of active sellers, Major challenge, Refund charges)

9.7. Import and Export Scenario of Large Appliances market (Volume, Value, Destination Involved, Duties, Technology patents, raw materials)

9.8. Governing Body Rules and Regulations for Large Appliances Market (Quality standards to be maintained, Certification Requirements, Industrial licensing)

9.9. Major Players( Market Share, USP, Future Strategies ,Revenue Streams ,Best Sellers)

9.10.New Zealand Large Appliances Future Outlook and Projects by product, FY’2017- FY’2021

Chapter 3: Developing Countries

10. China Large Appliances Market: Introduction and Genesis

10.1.Market Size

10.1.1. By Sales Volume in Units, FY’2011-FY’2016

10.1.2. By Revenue in USD Million, FY’2011-FY’2016

10.2.By Segmentation By Product Categories( TV, Refrigerator, Washing Machine, Air Conditioner)

10.3.Segmentation by Region(Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3), FY’2011-FY’2016

10.4.Segmentation by Type of Distribution Channel (Direct/Indirect)

10.5.Snapshot of Logistics( Cost of transportation, Assembling ,Warehousing)

10.6.Import and Export Scenario of Large Appliances market (Volume, Value, Destination Involved, Duties, Technology patents, raw materials)

10.7.Snapshot of Online Sales

10.7.1. By Product

10.7.2. By Competition (GMV, Net Cancellations, Number of Orders from website and from mobile app, average order size, number of warehouses, fulfillment centers, Average logistics cost per order, number of active sellers, Major challenge, Refund charges)

10.8.Governing Body Rules and Regulations for Large Appliances Market (Quality standards to be maintained, Certification Requirements, Industrial licensing)

10.9.Major Players( Market Share, USP, Future Strategies, Revenue Streams, Best Sellers)

10.10. China Large Appliances Future Outlook and Projects by product, FY’2017-FY’2021

11. Cambodia Large Appliances Market: Introduction and Genesis

11.1.Market Size

11.1.1. By Sales Volume in Units, FY’2011-FY’2016

11.1.2. By Revenue in USD Million, FY’2011-FY’2016

11.2.Segmentation By Product Categories( TV, Refrigerator, Washing Machine, Air Conditioner)

11.3.Segmentation by Region(Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3), FY’2011-FY’2016

11.4.Segmentation by Type of Distribution Channel (Direct/Indirect)

11.5.Import and Export Scenario of Large Appliances market (Volume, Value, Destination Involved, Duties, Technology patents, raw materials)

11.6.Snapshot of Logistics( Cost of transportation, Assembling, Warehousing)

11.7.Snapshot of Online Sales

11.7.1. By Product

11.7.2. By Competition (GMV, Net Cancellations, Number of Orders from website and from mobile app, average order size, number of warehouses, fulfillment centers, Average logistics cost per order, number of active sellers, Major challenge, Refund charges)

11.8.Governing Body Rules and Regulations for Large Appliances Market (Quality standards to be maintained, Certification Requirements, Industrial licensing)

11.9.Major Players( Market Share, USP, Future Strategies ,Revenue Streams ,Best Sellers)

11.10. Cambodia Large Appliances Future Outlook and Projects by product, FY’2017-FY’2021

12. Vietnam Large Appliances Market: Introduction and Genesis

12.1.Market Size

12.1.1. By Sales Volume in Units, FY’2011-FY’2016

1.1.5. By Revenue in USD Million, FY’2011-FY’2016

12.2.Segmentation By Product Categories( TV, Refrigerator, Washing Machine, Air Conditioner)

12.3.Segmentation by Region(Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3), FY’2011-FY’2016

12.4.Segmentation by Type of Distribution Channel (Direct/Indirect)

12.5.Snapshot of Logistics( Cost of transportation, Assembling ,Warehousing)

12.6.Snapshot of Online Sales

12.6.1. By Product

12.6.2. By Competition(GMV, Net Cancellations, Number of Orders from website and from mobile app, average order size, number of warehouses, fulfillment centers, Average logistics cost per order, number of active sellers, Major challenge, Refund charges)

12.7.Governing Body Rules and Regulations for Large Appliances Market (Quality standards to be maintained, Certification Requirements, Industrial licensing)

12.8.Import and Export Scenario of Large Appliances market (Volume, Value, Destination Involved, Duties, Technology patents, raw materials)

12.9.Major Players ( Market Share, USP, Future Strategies, Revenue Streams, Best Sellers)

12.10. Vietnam Large Appliances Future Outlook and Projects by product, FY’2017-FY’2021

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