Historical Hindu Vedic Saints Meet Param Dharm Sansad 1008 will begin in Varanasi

New Delhi, November 25, 2018:  In the wake of several issue related to Hindus, a mega programme is organised in Kashi from 25-27 November. The programme is named as Paramadharmasansad 1008, whose preparations are in full swing. After discussing all issues related to Sanatan Dharma including Ram Mandir in Paramdharma Parishad, the ‘commandment’ will be released. According to Vedic scriptures 1008 representatives from across the country are participating in this event. According to the statement issued by Swami Avimukteshawaranand, Convenor of Dharmsansad, this event is organised in Sear Govardhan village in Kashi, in which 1008 representatives from all over the country will participate and Shankaracharya Swami Swarupanandaji will be present for three days in Kashi.
Swami Swaroopananda’s disciple Swami Avmukteshvaravananda said, “Sanatan Dharma is passing through the transition period at present and continuous attacks are being done on conservative traditions and values, because the responsibility of protecting the society is the duty of the saints, therefore this congregation should be called.
According to Swami Avimukteshwaranand, all the issues related to Ram Mandir, Kashi Temple destructions in the name of development, Ganga’s plight and Sanatan Dharma will be discussed, and the issue which will be given the highest priority will be passed by keeping the order at the top with priority. He said that this commandment will also be discussed in the Maha Kumba in Prayag.
The building of Paramadharmasansad 1008 is being constructed in 20 bighas for this event in Sear Govardhan. There are five gates in this building which is 180 x 180 feet. A three-tier system has been arranged for the sitting of supreme devotees, Spiritual Gurus and Saints
The gallery on the first floor is being constructed in the Paramadharmsansad Bhawan, which will be a journalist’s gallery. From this place, the people of Sanatan can get the philosophy of the devotees coming from the Pramadharma Parishad and also the philosophy of the specific saints. Apart from this, temples are being constructed temporal Dharvajvas, Goshala, Yagna, Annapurnaalaya, computer room etc.
Corporate Comm India(CCI NewsWire)