How to make money online by partnering with


New Delhi, September 24, 2016: Wouldn’t it be great to have some extra bucks for those movie tickets, pizza party, booze, weekend travel……..what about designer clothing, a pair of shoes, a new mobile phone or perhaps a dinner date at a fine dine restaurant? Well, we are delighted to announce that now it’s all possible with a revolutionary new revenue sharing model launched by that lets you make money online, in the easiest way and shortest time possible.

How it works?

Businesses big and small, non-profit organizations, government agencies and even self-employed people need to interact with their target audience, customers and other stakeholders on a regular basis. Sometimes, it may be a marketing campaign whereas on other occasions it can be a brand building exercise. Campaigns to spread information about any specific product or service are also quite common. comes into the picture, as it provides the perfect platform to these clients to spread the word among its large user base as well as other media partners that source information from’s readership is consistently increasing and it is ranked high on world’s topmost ranking websites such as Alexa, Google, etc. By utilizing platform to publish press releases, product launch videos, informative articles, etc., these clients can easily reach out to their target audience. is a leading, preferred choice since it has significant experience in this domain, having worked for some of the top brands such as:

· Development Bank of Singapore (DBS) – Digibank

· CHOICE Life Insurance (a joint venture between Canara Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce and HSBC Insurance (Asia Pacific) Holdings Limited)

· University of Technology Sydney (UTS), ranked amongst the top 100 globally

· SP Jain School of Global Management

· Manipal Group

· Fame Media

· Star Trek Movies


· Chivas GQ Men of the Year Awards

What’s your role – How do you make money online?

To make money online, you just need to act as a bridge between clients looking for media partners and Here’s everything explained in 3 simple steps.

· Step 1 – In your spare time, you browse through portals such as,, odesk, craigslist,, etc. to find clients looking for media partners. As explained earlier, these clients would be looking to publish their press releases, promotional info, product launch images & videos, informative articles, case studies, etc. Some clients may also be looking for social media collaboration, which is part of’s service offerings.

· Step 2 – When you find something relevant, you need to introduce the client to You will be paid if the deal is successful.

· Step 3 – Collect your cheque. That’s it!

How much you earn?

You take home 70% of the earnings generated. Yes, you heard it right – for every Rs 100 of business generated, you get Rs 70. And “no other conditions apply”.

Considering that the size of such deals can be anywhere between Rs 1,000 to Rs 10,000, you can earn loads of money in the easiest and shortest possible way.

Get started now!’s pioneering offer is a one-of-a-kind revenue sharing program that will help you earn loads of money online. Remember, all you need to do is browse some sites, find the right client and let us know.

Making money online can’t get easier than this. We recommend you get started now!

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)