IIT Roorkee organized a National Workshop on “DESIGN THINKING”


India, March 27, 2019: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee hosted a two-day National Workshop on ‘DESIGN THINKING’ organized by Design Innovation Centre on 25th and 26th March.

This workshop on ‘Design Thinking’ was inspired by the participatory learning where the user of the product or service for whom it is intended to design is the center of all activities. The whole workshop was divided into six sessions of activities and lectures. Fifty two participants were selected from a list of 125 applicants; the participants are from twenty four different institutions of eight states across the country.

The mission of the workshop was to train the students from diverse backgrounds to think and apply their creativity for developing a design to address the needs of the users of the product or the services. A unique feature of the workshop was participation of school children, who provided a new dimension to the fresh thinking in design process.

Prof. M. Parida, Dean of Sponsored Research and Industrial Consultancy of IIT Roorkee inaugurated the workshop as the Chief Guest. Dr. Janakarajan Ramkumar, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Design, IIT Kanpur conducted the Workshop as the Lead Instructor and Prof Akshay Dvivedi, IIT Roorkee, who is also the workshop coordinator, was the other Instructor. Prof. Parida, during his inaugural address, emphasized on the importance of Design Thinking process with relevant examples of various design solutions developed by him and others. Prof. Ramkumar lucidly explained the need to bridge the activities of left and right brains of humans, for which such workshop activities could be of immense importance. Prof. Dinesh Kumar shared thoughts on importance of such an event and urged upon the participants to exploit the opportunity.  Prof. Apurbba Kumar Sharma, Coordinator Design Innovation Center welcomed the participants and briefly explained various programs being undertaken by the DIC. He said “this workshop is an effort to provide the participants a platform where they can expand their thinking pattern and can make decisions based on what customers really want instead of relying on historical data”

The participants were highly enthusiased about their overall experience during the intense workshop. They cherished moments of learning and sharing in an Institute of Excellence and were excited to continue the collaboration.

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