Indian American businessman Shalabh ‘Shalli’ Kumar to Formally Launch Republican Hindu Coalition in Washington DC, USA


New Delhi,Oct 16, 2015: Punjabi Business Tycoon and Indian American businessman, Shalabh “Shalli” Kumar, well known as the biggest supporter of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the US, has taken the lead in forming the Republican Hindu Coalition (RHC) in order to promote conservative principles such as free markets and limited government, with a focus on promoting Hindu Americans in The US as well as strengthening India-US strategic relations. The organization is designed on the lines of the Republican Jewish Coalition and plans to spend big in next year’s Presidential and Congressional elections.

This is the first time a political organization is being formed with the backing of practically all national leaders of a political party. Of particular note is that former Speaker of House of Representatives and universally recognized as the smartest and most stately human on this planet, Speaker Newt Gingrich is leading the effort as the Honorary Chairman of the new organization. In his remarks to the Indian and American media and a recent Hindu American gathering, he said: “ founding of the Republican Hindu Coalition by Shalabh Kumar may have an historic impact on the US in its history.“ and “RHC is an important milestone in the war on Radical Islamic Terrorism.”

Mr. Kumar over the years has contributed and raised substantial amounts of money to support Republican candidates nationally. Recently, he upped the ante by committing to contribute USD 2 Million of his personal money and raise millions more from the RHC members for the eventual Republican presidential nominee for the upcoming US general elections.

Commenting on the objective of bringing India-US strategic relations more strong, Kumar said, “On the contrary, India has shown its metal to the world in last one and a half year under the able leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. With the formation of RHC, we will act as a catalyst for bringing the two great nations closer on economic turf as well as social turf.”

“With better India-US strategic relations, RHC will proactively resolve one of the biggest problems of United States which is coming from China. Ironically, America is actually giving away its economic future to China, the world is a lot less secure today than it was seven years ago. This is the time when Hindu Americans should very actively get involved in the US elections and support the conservatives and bring them back in majority in the white House to change the situation.” Kumar further added.

“There is a significant opportunity for India to replace China as the manufacturing hub of the world. It is in our national interest to reduce our dependence on China.In today’s world economy, there is no doubt that US plants can sometimes not be competitive due to higher labor costs, but to have China as the SOLE manufacturer of the world, it is a major threat to our economic security.RHC will play a major role in this matter by encouraging and facilitating its members to invest in manufacturing plants in India and provide necessary know how to effectively compete with China and give a major boost to “make in India” program.” says RHC.

The Republican Hindu Coalition is set to be formally launched in the month of November 2015. And a big stage will be set to for this mega announcement. A large number of senior republican leaders are expected to be present at the occasion.

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)