Indian Institute of Public Health, Hyderabad (IIPH – Hyderabad) and Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh Announces Admissions to the Master in Public Health (MPH) Programme for the Academic Year 2015-201


Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, October 2, 2015

The Indian Institute of Public, Hyderabad (IIPHH) and Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, in an exclusive agreement, announced admissions to a specialised Master in Public Health (MPH) course for the academic year 2015 -2016 which will enable students to gain a global perspective to public health while providing the necessary skills and knowledge to bring in innovative solutions and enable change in people and communities in the Indian context.

The program is structured as a multi-disciplinary curriculum, including public health management, epidemiology, biostatistics, demography, social sciences, health promotion, health economics and policy relevant disciplines.

“IIPH Hyderabad and Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada has joined hands to bring in a best in class Masters in Public Health programme which will focus on the multi-disciplinary aspects of public health. This programme provides an opportunity for students to develop the relevant skills and subject expertise through a combination of class room study with field experiences in range of disciplines thus aligning their interests to build a career in public health and healthcare.” said Professor G.V.S Murthy, Director – Indian Institute of Public Health, Hyderabad on the launch of course.

Eligibility: The candidate should have passed : a) Bachelor Degree with at least 50% in any discipline from recognized University by the University Grants Commission and the Degree awarding University must be member if Association of Indian Universities. If the Degree is acquired from Distance Education Mode it must be recognized by Distance Education council (DEC) besides recognized by UGC and AIU b) The percentage will be calculated from the total marks of 1st , 2nd & 3 rd year under 10+2+3 scheme including languages and other subjects. c) Foreign candidates other than Medical / Para Medical applying for MPH course should submit equivalence certificate from Council of Higher Education Andhra Pradesh / Council of Higher Education Telangana, Association of Indian Universities New Delhi, Ministry of External affairs Government of India, New Delhi (they must fulfill requirements of Presidential order and GOP No. 646 dated 10th July, 1979 d) Foreign candidates of Medical / Para Medical applying for MPH course should submit equivalence certificate by the University of Health Sciences and temporary registration for the duration of Post Graduate training from the respective Councils i.e., MCI, DCI, CCIM, CCH,INC etc., should submit.

Duration of the Course: The duration of the course shall be two years with four semesters of each 6 months including two months internship during the 4th semester. During Internship, the students undergo 2 months field training and submit internship report dissertation.

Applications: The online application form will be available on the website from 28-09-2015, 2.00 pm to 06-10-2015 upto 5.00 pm.

Number of Seats: 40 number of seats available for admission into Master of Public Health (MPH) Course for the academic year 2015-16 in Indian Institute of Public Health (Hyderabad) ANV Arcade, Plot No.1, Amar Co-Operative Society, Kavuri Hills, Madhapur, Hyderabad – 500 033

Selection Process:

· Date of Issue of Notification 24-09-2015

· Availability of online Application from 28-09-2015, 2.00 pm to 06-10-2015, 05.00 pm.

· Last date for submission of Printout of filled-in application, along with enclosures. 10-10-2015 upto 05.00 pm To The Convener, PG Admissions Committee, Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada-520008.

· Availability of Hall Tickets to download From 10.00 am on 14-10-2015

· Date and Time of Computer Based Entrance Test Reporting time at the Entrance test Centre. 18-10-2015 (Sunday) from 10.00 am to 11.30 AM by 9.00 am sharp.

· Release of Answer Key 19-10-2015 evening.

· Last date for submitting objections on key, if any. (through E-Mail only) 20-10-2015 up to 5.00 pm

· Display of Final Key 30-10-2015

· Release of results and display of Merit list 30-10-2015 10 Dates of counselling. Will be notified separately. 11 Closure of admissions 31ST December, 2015

How the programme will be delivered: The program will be delivered using a variety of teaching/learning techniques, including lectures, case discussions, practical exercises, lab work, field visits, seminars, journal clubs, collaborative learning, group discussions, assignments, hands-on training, and practicum courses. At the end of the course the participant will acquire skills to examine and respond to current public health challenges.

Job prospects: MPH graduates have bright work prospects to get an opportunity to work with government; NGOs and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) bodies; teaching & research organizations; consultancy agencies; hospitals and other health care institutions.

The important points of the notification to be noted are:

1. The online applications can be accessed through the from 28th September 2015 till 6th October 2015 upto 5.00 p.m.

2. The registration fee is INR 3000/- to be paid online by all applicant​s

3. For the graduates outside Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, a verification fee of INR 3000 in addition to the above registration fee has to be paid online.

4. For the graduates outside India, a verification fee of INR 7000 in addition to the above registration fee has to be paid online.

5. Procedure for submission of filled-in online application form: The candidate should submit the print-out of the filled-in online application form along with the copies of required certificates attested by Gazetted Officer either by post or in person on or before 10.10.2015 by 5.00 p to The Convener, Post Graduate Admissions Committee (M.P.H.), Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, A.P., Vijayawada – 520008. The candidate should clearly superscribe on the cover containing online application form as “Application for M.P.H. ET-2015”