Ira Realty donates Rs 25 lakh to CMRF


Hyderabad, March 31, 2020: Ira Realty, a Hyderabad Real Estate Company donates Rs 25 lakh  to Chief Minister Relief Found Ira’s Managing Director Mr Narsi Reddy Poshan Accompanied by Srinivas Naidu – Director today met Mr KT Rama Rao,  Minister for IT, Industries, MA & UD and presented a cheque of Rs. 25 lacs to Chief Minister’s Relief Fund as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR  to enable Telangana and India to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

Currently, India is grappling the COVID-19 pandemic with a countrywide lockdown. Thousands are rendered jobless and require financial aid.

Narsi Reddy said the pandemic has already resulted in huge human suffering. Those below the poverty line are struggling to make ends meets. The CSR donation by Ira reflects the compassionate side of the company.

Ira Realty is a new real estate company growing at a scorching pace with a slew of  Residential,  Plotting and Commercial Projects.

Narsi Reddy Posham Managing Director of Ira is a technopreneur, an IIT Kharagpur alumnus with successes in technology companies including Soft Machines and Smartron he founded.

“I strongly believe in the concept of sharing. It is important for all entrepreneurs to contribute their mite and serve the state and country. The Chief Minister KCR has done a commendable job by swiftly creating a Lockdown and the state of Telangana has effectively worked towards flattening the curve. Our donation of Rs. 25 lakhs is a small gesture from all of us at Ira to reach out to the people. In fact, the concept of sharing is integral to all of us at Ira. We have committed to give every single customer of Ira Realty’s Residential Properties, Commercial Projects and Plotting Projects – a share in our company. Because sharing is caring,  indeed” says Narsi Reddy.

As one of the founding members of IRA Realty, he developed the concept of profit-sharing with customers.

Ira is a realty company formed on the ‘Love of Humanity’ philosophy. From the earliest stages of design, right through to construction and handover, they are committed to taking the stress out of buying or building real estate and construction projects.

Media Contact: Solus Media, D. Ramchandram, Mobile: 9848042020

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