Ken Research: India Seed Industry Outlook to FY’2018 – Rapid Hybridization in Vegetables, Corn and Rice to Impel Growth


New Delhi, Delhi, India, Wednesday, May 08, 2013: (Business Wire India) — — Indian Seed Industry Size Reached INR 110 Billion in 2013

— Expected robust growth in Hybrid Vegetable Seeds segment

— Increase in revenue can be attributed to the increased adoption of BT cotton hybrids, single cross corn hybrids and hybrid vegetables.

Ken Research has announced in its report ” India Seed Industry Outlook to FY’2018 – Rapid Hybridization in Vegetables, Corn and Rice to Impel Growth “, the hybrid seed market has grown at a stupendous CAGR of 36.1% over the period FY’2007-FY’2013. The contribution of varietal seeds to the overall commercial seed market in India has witnessed a steep decline from 72% in FY’2007 to 36.8% in FY’2013

The Indian seed market is majorly contributed by non-vegetable seeds such as corn, cotton, paddy, wheat, sorghum, sunflower and millets. In FY’2013, the non-vegetable seeds accounted for 82.2% of the overall seed market in India. Non-vegetable seed market in India is largely concentrated in cotton, contributing the largest share of 40.8%.

Overall, paddy, maize and vegetables are expected to drive the growth of Indian hybrid seed industry in the next five years. It is expected that better rice hybrids will be developed to give a yield advantage of at least 3-4 tonnes per hectare over the research varieties.

Key Topics Covered:

1. Market Size of Seed and Hybrid Seed Industry

2. Market Segmentation

– By Revenue and Production

– By Non-Hybrid and Hybrid Seeds

– Non Varietal Seeds by Cross Bred hybrids and Genetically Modified Hybrids

– Vegetable (Cabbage, Tomato, Watermelon, Okra, Chilli, Cauliflower) and Non Vegetable Seeds

– India Hybrid Seed Market by Crops (Jowar, Millet, Paddy, Cotton, Corn, Sunflower)

3. Major Players

– Nuziveedu Seeds

– Mahyco Seeds

– Monsanto

– Rasi Seeds

– Bayer India

– Pioneer Seeds

– Syngenta

4. Trends & Developments

5. Future Outlook & Projections

Browse full report:–beverages/agriculture/372-104/India-Seed-Industry-Outlook-to-FY2018.html

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