Mas Financial Services reported PAT of Rs. 40.73 crore in Q1 FY20


Ahmedabad, August 01, 2019: The Board of Directors of MAS Financial Services Limited in their meeting held today took on record the unaudited Financial Results of the company for the Quarterended 30 June 2019.

The robust financial performance even during this turbulent quarters extended from September 2018, is the testimony of the strong fundamentals of the company; which is being followed over two decades.

Given the adoption of Indian Accounting Standards,for better understanding of the performance  of the comparative periods:  we have hereby provided both operational highlights:as per IND-As andas per previous GAAP for the quarter ended 30 June 2019.

Disclaimer: The figures represented as per I-GAAP are based on management reports and have not been subject to review by the auditors.

As per IND-As

MAS Financial Services Limited reports Assets under Management (AUM) of Rs5578.21 Crore and profit after tax of Rs40.73 Crore for the quarter ended 30 June 2019 from Rs4317.00 Crore and Rs30.46 Crore respectively for quarter ended 30June 2018 – A Growth of 29.22% and 33.70% over corresponding period of previous year respectively

Performance Highlights: 

Ø  upDisbursement (Net) made during Q1 FY 20 up 20.59% toRs1200.67 Crore from Rs995.67 Crore in Q1 FY19.

Ø  Assets under Management (AUM) as of 30 June, 2019 up29.22% to Rs5578.21 Crore from Rs4317.00 Crore as on 30 June, 2018 with Gross Stage 3 Assets and Net Stage 3 Assetsas of 30 June, 2019 at 1.39 % and 1.14% respectively. The Gross Stage 3 Assets and Net Stage 3 Assetsstood at 1.24 %*and 1.11%* as of 30 June, 2018.

(*Recasted as per Ind-As criteria applied as on Q1 FY 2020)

Ø  Total Income for Q1 FY20 up33.11% to Rs159.23 Crore from Rs119.63 Crore in Q1 FY 19.

Ø  Profit After Tax for Q1 FY 20 up33.70 % to Rs40.73 Crore from Rs30.46 Crore in Q1 FY 19. 

Ø  Capital Adequacy Ratio (including Tier II capital) as of 30 June, 2019 stood at 27.97%. The Tier-I capital stood at 26.54%.

(Rs in CR)

Particulars Q1’20 Q1’19 QoQ FY 19
Assets Under Management 5578.21 4317.00 29.22% 5,338.37
Total Income 159.23 119.63 33.11% 572.58
Profit Before Tax 62.66 46.84 33.77% 233.93
Profit After Tax 40.73 30.46 33.70% 152.11
Gross Stage 3 Assets% to AUM 1.39% 1.24%* 12.34% 1.39%
Net Stage 3 Assets% to AUM 1.14% 1.11%* 2.34% 1.14%

*Recasted as perInd-As criteria applied as on Q1 FY 2020

Asset Under Management (AUM)* Jun-19 Jun-18 QoQ
Micro-Enterprise loans 3595.46 2752.95 30.60%
SME loans 1375.48 1025.46 34.13%
2-Wheeler loans 455.17 391.60 16.23%
Commercial Vehicle loans 152.10 146.99 3.48%
TOTAL AUM 5578.21 4317.00 29.22%


Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)