NIESBUD signs MoU with World Centre India Services Council


New Delhi, Dec 24, 2014: The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD) an autonomous organization under the Ministry of MSME and World Trade Centre India Services Council (WTCS) has entered into a cooperation agreement to promote trade and commerce for the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector in India.

WTCS and NIESBUD will provide training in the form of entrepreneurship development and upskilling of domestic enterprises to facilitate export promotion by providing various services, information, certifications and data for smooth operations.

The World Trade Centre will promote trade and business under one roof. It would be a Hub for export oriented, financial and allied services which would cover all major cities through the ‘Hub & Spoke’ model. It will help micro, small and medium enterprises in accessing overseas markets for their products and services. MSMEs will get benefits of robust and most modern infrastructure facilities and world-class services by World Trade Centre.

Being a member of WTC Association, the WTCS has access to a large database of buyers and sellers, products and markets and thereby would help in promoting trade and commerce for its members. The agreement would enable exchange of information on various products, markets, buyers & sellers for benefit of MSME.CCI Newswire