PIL filed in the Bombay High Court regarding the process of Presidential election


Mumbai, November 07, 2018: Socialist Pandit Rajkumar Sharma has filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL-107/2018) on 2 November 2018 regarding the process of Presidential election and has challenged Article 58 of the Constitution of India. The hearing on the same will be held on 19 November 2018.

The petitioner Pandit Rajkumar Sharma seeking justice points out saying, “The President should not be the member of any house, because being associated with any political party, he may fail to work in the interest of the public and will ultimately or be forced to support his governing political party.” He further vocalizes, “On any orders sent by the Central Government, he has only to affix his seal and send it back and does not use any of his discretion in this regard. Basically the President apart from being intelligent and fearless should have judicial sense and knowledge. Our country should also follow America who elects their President through debate and voted by the public and should hold his tenure for 10 years.”

Sharma further adds, “Even the Vice President should be appointed with the Governor’s promotion and the Autonomy General should be elected from the Judges of the Supreme Court. Then only they can smoothly perform in the interest of the people on the whole. Likewise the election of the Governor of the State should be a Collector. This way the state can maintain law and order. By appointing people from the ruling political party, they fail many-a-times to take stringent and important decisions which put a spanner in the utility and functioning. Thus the President, Vice-President, Governor of the State should not be affiliated to any Political Party.”

Rajkumar Sharma says, “In a democratic country the law which is above everybody should be fair and square for all and favor and benefit the general public. In the same way why; then why can’t the President be elected by the people who can take care of their utility and welfare.”

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)