Police academies across India integrate gender sensitivity as an integral element of their training curricula


CSR imparts training to broaden the perspective of active duty police officers and change their thought-process to ensure that women seeking police assistance receive an appropriate response in a timely and unbiased manner

New Delhi, April 20, 2015—Centre for Social Research, in partnership with UN Women, National Human Rights Commission and the state police training academies, is carrying out a massive gender sensitization drive to integrate gender as an integral element of the police training curricula across India. As a result of this initiative, the trainers in various police academies in UP, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Madhya Pradeshare undergoing comprehensive trainings in gender sensitization through out this year. The training targets gazetted officers at the sub-inspector level.

“Our trainings aim to improve their understanding of gender within a human rights framework and help officers perceive themselves as active agents for women’s human rights. We help police officers see how they can contribute towards equity in all areas of civic life by promoting gender justice,” says Dr. RanjanaKumari, Director, Centre for Social Research, New Delhi.

The trainings have already taken place in Dr. B R AmbedkarPolice Academy, Moradabad, UP and Haryana Police Academy. These will be followed by similar trainings in Lucknow Police Academy (Uttar Pradesh), Mysore Police Academy (Karnataka), National Police Academy (Hyderabad) and Rewa Police Academy (Madhya Pradesh) this year.

The initiative is a very timely and unique collaborative effort by the organisations.In the light of increasing incidents of Violence against Women across the country, this programme will help the police officials develop more sensitive responses.These programmes are designed to cover the important elements like understandingthe needs of victims; realizing one’s own capacity to help and their constraints; interpreting existing legislation with a view to correct application; awareness of judicial processes; awareness of policies and laws that aim to protect the citizenry; andproblems caused by resorting to reconciliation that often puts women victims in condemning situations- making them accept violence and discrimination as a part of their lives instead of addressing the need for justice.

“Police needs gender sensitization as they have maximum interaction with the public.These trainings will help the participant trainers further carry out the trainings,” says Shri J. S. Kochher, Joint Secretary, National Human Rights Commission

“As the society is moving forward, the family structures and the role of women are also changing. The problems that women face today have increased considerably. As a result of these trainings, our police officers will be better equipped to deal with gender related issues. They will become better counselors and will address social issues with a gender just perspective,” says Shri. K. K. Sindhu, Director, Haryana Police Academy.

The trainings are designed to discuss and deliberate on the basic concept of gender i.e. the difference between gender and sex, stereotypes, defining roles and responsibilities, understanding concepts of patriarchy and power relations, issues related to human trafficking, vulnerability factors, response of community, response of police/ law enforcing agencies, role of media, human rights violation, etc.

Reported incidents of crime against women in India (National Crime Records Bureau)

A total of 3,09,546 cases ofcrime against women (both under various sections of IPC and SLL) were reported in the country duringthe year 2013 as compared to2,44,270 in the year 2012, thusshowing an increase of 26.7% duringthe year 2013. These crimes havecontinuously increased in reportingduring 2009 – 2013 with 2,03,804cases in 2009 and 2,13,585 cases in2010 and 2,28,649 cases in 2011,2,44,270 cases 2012 and 3,09,546cases in the year 2013. AndhraPradesh with 7.3% share of country’swomen population has reportednearly 10.6% of total crimescommitted against women at All Indialevel, by reporting 32,809 cases, andUttar Pradesh accounting for nearly16.7% of the country’s womenpopulation, has accounted for 10.5%of total cases of crimes againstwomen in the country by reporting32,546 cases during the year 2013. CCI Newswire