Steps taken for Development of Sericulture


New Delhi, February 05, 2017: Government through Central Silk Board (CSB) had implemented a Centrally Sponsored Scheme viz. ‘Catalytic Development Programme’(CDP) in various states during XII Plan period (upto 2014-15), to synergize and disseminate technologies & innovations developed by R&D units of CSB. The objective under the scheme was to incentivize investment among stakeholders to enhance production, productivity and quality of silk. The components under the CDP envisaged strengthening and creation of silkworm seed infrastructure, development of farm and post-cocoon infrastructure and creation of better marketing facilities to ensure remunerative price to primary producers.

Consequent upon closure of CDP with effect from 2015-16, Government through Central Silk Board has been implementing a restructured Central Sector Scheme, viz.‘Integrated Scheme for the Development of Silk Industry’ for development of Sericulture industry in various states including Tamil Nadu, focusing on intervention in critical areas such as Feed, Seed, Breed, Post Cocoon Technology and Capacity Building. The scheme has the following components:

(a) Research & Development, Training, Transfer of Technology & IT Initiatives

(b) Seed Organization

(c) Coordination and Market Development

(d) Quality Certification systems and Brand promotion & Technology up-gradation

The above information was given by the Union Textiles Minister, Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani today, in a written reply to a Rajya Sabha question.