Sudhanshu Arora of Careesma shares some valuable insights about dilemmas faced by employees and employers


New Delhi July 25, 2013: With job-hopping and attrition having become major concerns for recruiters, some serious thinking is afoot to understand the common reasons why employees quit. Here is my list of four reasons why people leave organizations says. Sudhanshu Arora, Co-founder, Director and Country Manager –

1. Management: Good employees will never put up with incompetent or inconsiderate bosses and will start finding avenues of change as soon as they start feeling that the senior they are reporting to is not deserving of the position. Therefore, before promoting managers internally and entrusting them with people management responsibilities, companies should thoroughly evaluate the competencies of the person. For that matter, not only the bosses, even the top management should keep asking questions of themselves and their ways at work so that they do not become a pain to the employees.

2. No career growth: Employees with even reasonable self worth will not stick to organizations that does not show them the pathway to success and future growth. An organization where prospects have stagnated should take immediate measures to create avenues for employees to chart their career growth.

3. Office Politics: One of the most disturbing aspects of the corporate world is office politics which has time and again cost organizations some of their best hands. This factor, though not under the direct control of the management, should be looked into with a holistic approach. And it starts with the understanding that office politics cannot be avoided but can only be managed. A holistic approach, entails proper training of the employees not just in their work domain but also in other softer aspects of corporate life. In addition, the HR team along with the senior management should have their eyes and ears open to what is going on inside the organization. That is the only way to avoid the spread of any negativity which may eventually result in people falling  prey to dirty office politics.

4. Due recognition: It is not just money that people work for and this is one factor that many organizations fail to understand, thus loosing several of their human assets. While money is indeed important, human beings invariably strive harder when they are appreciated for their efforts and given due recognition in front of co-workers. Therefore, a timely pat on the back can really help in retaining most hard-working and dedicated employees.

If all the above factors are to be summed up, we will see that it is the human side of the employee that needs to be tapped into for attributes like loyalty. There is a lot to be gained from keeping employees happy, satisfied and motivated. – CCI Newswire