US and Indian expert participating in workshop of GSA in Gujarat


Ahmedabad, June 30, 2017: The US and Indian experts are participating in a workshop on ‘Indian Chemical Security Assessment’ organised by the Gujarat Chemical Association (GCA) which began here today.

With the support of the Chemical Security Program (CSP), promoted by US Department of State and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), a unit of US Department of Energy, the workshop is discussing various safety and security issues including the threats regarding theft and misuse of chemicals by terrorists.

Addressing a joint press conference GCA president Jaimin Vasa along with US experts Allyn Milojevich and James Snyder told newsmen here that the five day workshop to be concluded on June 30 would address critical issues like potential risk of chemicals development of chemical security culture in organisations, compatibility of manufacturing facility with Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) and risk of theft or sabotage of the facility.

Ms Milojevich said that in today’s world a theft of chemical in a distant place can affect a far away place. So it was important to keep the chemical facilities secure from terrorist ans other such elements.

Mr Snyder said that he wanted to make people associated with chemical Industry of India aware about the benefits and incentives of being compliant with arrangements like Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) which was a voluntary supply chain security program led by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) focused on improving the security of private companies’ supply chains with respect to terrorism.

Both Ms Milojevich and Mr Snyder however, said that many of the Indian chemical facilities were maintaining a high standard of safety and security.

Mr Vasa said Gujarat contributes to 18% of total Indian chemical exports of Rs 26,600-crore annually. Of this US has a major share of around Rs 10,000-crore. The Industry need to focus on improving safety and security measures so as to get faster clearance for chemical exports from US authorities. It also needs to assess chemical security to ensure risk vulnerability mitigation and threat of theft and sabotage are taken care of and comply with US security norms.

United News of India