Workshop on E-Marketing for SME Entrepreneurs


Hyderabad, September 10, 2014 – One Day Workshop on E-Marketing for SME Entrepreneurs on 19 August 2013 Organized By ni- msme, HYDERABAD

Apropriate online presence for SMEs becomes very critcal in the present era of Globalization. Managing Marketing in virtual space wil faciltate the SME busines to beter aces to mas markets at an afordable cost at the same time equip them to do marketing in a personalized way. National Instiute for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (ni-msme) invites growth oriented Entrepreneurs to atend one day workshop on E-Marketing for SME Entrepreneurs sponsored by Bombay Stock Exchange Smal and Medium Enterprise Platform, Mumbai and State Bank of India, Hyderabad. Mr. Ajay Thakur, Head SME Division, Bombay Stock Exchange, Mumbai is expected to atend the program as Chief Guest of the event. Proposed workshop is an atempt to expose the SMEs and buding Entrepreneurs about the relevance and signifcance of E-Marketing and its know-how. Participants wil be able to increase the efectivenes of their marketing eforts by embracing E-Marketing corectly. Participants are requested to register themselves at the earliest as there are limited seats and the entry is on first come first serve basis.
The first 50 participants are exempted from the registration fe. Date and Time – 19/08/2013; 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM.

Venue- Mini Auditorium, ni-msme, Hyderabad. Contact: Prof. Upendra Kumar Maurya, Workshop Director

Phone: 040- 236328, Mobile: 9160180673, E-Mail:[email protected]/[email protected]
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