Zero Effect, Zero Defect Model


New Delhi, 20 Mar, 2015: The Ministry of MSME is implementing a number of Schemes and Programmes for the benefit of local manufacturing in the MSME sector across the country. These Schemes include National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme, Support for Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of SMEs through Incubators, Cluster Development Programme, Credit Guarantee Scheme, Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme and Marketing Assistance Scheme. These Schemes are aimed towards upgradation of technology, creation of infrastructure, making available collateral free credit, provision of capital subsidy and provision of marketing assistance which in turn lead to creation of high quality local manufacturing. Especially, the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP) Scheme highlights the needs for enhancing the competitiveness of Indian manufacturing sector by reducing the manufacturing costs through better space utilization, scientific inventory management, improved process flows, reduced engineering time etc.

The funds allocated towards these Schemes are aimed towards overall development of the Sector including inducing high quality local manufacturing. It is worthwhile to mention that the 12th Five Year Plan allocation for the NMCP Scheme is Rs.860.70 Crore, which is primarily geared for promoting quality local manufacturing. To achieve the targets of the recent “Zero Effect, Zero Defect Models”, the Ministry has not only aligned its schemes like Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme, Quality Management Standards (QMS) and Quality Technology Tools (QTT), Technology and Quality Upgradation (TEQUP) Schemes in particular but also with Quality Council of India (QCI) has worked out a ‘ZED Certification’ model encompassing an array of quality parameters in manufacturing.

The Ministry of MSME is providing skill development training in rural and urban areas in the widest range of skill sets, from those required for the khadi and village industries to the skill sets required by the globally competitive industries such as auto-components, electronic items, pharma products etc. Efforts are now being directed for a more co-ordinated approach in the areas of skill development i.e. accredition of institutions, certification, curriculum development, industry linkage, training of trainers, trend spotting etc through various training outfits of the Ministry, such as National Level Training Institutions, Tool Rooms and Technology Development Institutions.CCI Newswire